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  1. Falsus

    Doktor Doom sprayed in room with fresh harvested buds please help

    Please can someone help anything at all please
  2. Falsus

    Doktor Doom sprayed in room with fresh harvested buds please help

    I was gross crying. Sobbing audibly and shaking man like what a fucking thing to wake up to i wasn't even actually awake yet. I smoke weed to help emotions even and boy howdy this was a firm reminder of how extreme they tend to get. But. Fuuuuuucked five months of growing and patience...
  3. Falsus

    Doktor Doom sprayed in room with fresh harvested buds please help

    Luckily, she's been at work all day so she was not in range during the murderous paniced meltdown I had upon discovery.
  4. Falsus

    Doktor Doom sprayed in room with fresh harvested buds please help

    So yesterday I harvested my first part of my plant, tied them up all nice and hung them in a dark cupboard in my bathroom as it was the only dark place we could find. Fast forward to this morning, my guess around 7am, my mom decided it was a good idea to spray down the bathroom with the bug...
  5. Falsus

    Indica or Sativa? Week 7 Flowering

    Yeah like once I'm finished the grownil going to spray down a few times with various things, spaced out over two weeks to try and ensure I eliminate the spider mites for my next grow. God this is so stressful :(
  6. Falsus

    Indica or Sativa? Week 7 Flowering

    Her exterminator friend says it will be fine but like I really don't want to die. Apparently people use doktor doom for spider mites and this shit is the green or what the fuck ever but like I'm pretty damn sure you can't use it after harvest like. What do I do should I make a new forum.
  7. Falsus

    Indica or Sativa? Week 7 Flowering

    So. I harvested a bunch of nice buds yesterday and trimmed and hung and left in a dark cupboard to dry! TODAY HOWEVER MY STUPID ASS MOTHER, FUCKING. SATURATED THE ROOM IN BUG SPRAY AND CLOSED IT IN ITS BEEN LESS THAN 24. HOURS AND SHE FORGOT APPARENTLY WHAT DO I DO. HAS SGE FUCKING RUINED...
  8. Falsus

    Indica or Sativa? Week 7 Flowering

    I was going to wait until Sunday, which is my next free day, but I have time tonight, just because I'm worried about them getting attacked. What's your opinion? Im going to wipe down the leaves tonight, but alas I'm a worrier would it be enough??
  9. Falsus

    Indica or Sativa? Week 7 Flowering

    A few more pics of further away and close up
  10. Falsus

    Indica or Sativa? Week 7 Flowering

    Alrighty here are some pictures, should I harvest my big buds to keep them safe? I'm going to post a couple more in moment, 10 pic limit
  11. Falsus

    Indica or Sativa? Week 7 Flowering

    Alright will do thank you so much for your help! Sorry for delay in response there mynibtemy i decided to tell me to f myself for a few hours for no explicit reason
  12. Falsus

    Indica or Sativa? Week 7 Flowering

    I'm not too concerbed about her herming, I meant the other plant I had to chop in the start of flowering may have pollinated parts of her? I'll definitely wash her down tonight. I searched the plant hard core last night.for any more catapillars and didn't find any, the buds all look...
  13. Falsus

    Indica or Sativa? Week 7 Flowering

    No you're very helpful and I appreciate everything you've done for me. Seriously though you've helped me so much noone i know has grown before so I have no direct advice from someone experienced so you're just. Amazing. Sorry for catching you so early, it's almost 12 here so timezone chaos. I...
  14. Falsus

    Indica or Sativa? Week 7 Flowering

    I took two pics with my crappy phone (use my mom's for good pics as hers is more advanced but she was not awake late last night this...) Can't take more rn as it's lights out I didn't get a picture of the catapillar I panic d removed the leaves that we're eaten and the leaf it was in (it was...
  15. Falsus

    Indica or Sativa? Week 7 Flowering

    Hey budman, I swear every time I see you reply at this point my stress.levels just immediately drop you're hwaven sent. Catapillar and spider mites discovered lasl night, I posted above and I'm really not sure what to do here. Most forums I read are really moxedthis close to harvest too so I'm...
  16. Falsus

    Indica or Sativa? Week 7 Flowering

    Please help someone, do I harvest today or Sunday??
  17. Falsus

    Indica or Sativa? Week 7 Flowering

    Spider mites i think, and one catapillar. I removed the catapillar and put it far away outside. Like I'm so close to harvest I don't want to use chemicals, it won't have time to shake off the shit before I harvest you know??? I'm going to do a big clean in there before my next grow as well...
  18. Falsus

    Indica or Sativa? Week 7 Flowering

    Hey all haven't harvested yet, planning to on Sunday, they're looking ripe and yadda yadda What I'm most concerned about rn is i just found a fricken catapillar in my plant. It was in a leaf that it had like closed aorund it with a web or something. It was small and green and spooked the crap...
  19. Falsus

    Indica or Sativa? Week 7 Flowering

    I have a work bin going! I do sometimes see pallets around, and I'll keep an eye on Kijiji for free things as well, these are all really good ideas thank you! I need to get some ducting and one more fan to finish up my ventilation, sans a scrubber for smell. My cousin has a bunch of bricks I...
  20. Falsus

    Indica or Sativa? Week 7 Flowering

    That's more or less what I was thinking :D I'd need to buy a pvc cutter though. Man it's quite the start up investment to grow, isn't it.