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  1. MichealScott

    Why did my femed auto produce seeds

    Also, the seeds are from small breeders that I saw at the Michigan Celio Cannabis cup. At least the auto was. Maybe that has something to do with it. Maybe they don’t have all the ‘kinks’ bred out yet...?
  2. MichealScott

    Why did my femed auto produce seeds

    Okay!! Thank you very much for your insight and taking the time to help me!!
  3. MichealScott

    Why did my femed auto produce seeds

    The other plants are all between 6-8 weeks of flower. Also I just went out and looked at them in my lunch break and noticed a few seeds on the others as well did I do something wrong to cause this...?
  4. MichealScott

    Why did my femed auto produce seeds

    Yes but they are all females as well so I’m kinda at a loss as to how it got pollinated. I was thinking maybe it got stress out...?
  5. MichealScott

    Why did my femed auto produce seeds

    I have an auto that I harvested a few days back. When I started trimming it last night night off of just one small branch I have collected at least 20 seeds... could anyone tell me why...? Was it something I did..? Will they be feminized because they came from a fem plant...? Any and all advice...
  6. MichealScott

    Traveling with Oil, Edibles, Seeds

    Hello all, I'll be taking a trip to Cali to see my brother graduate from basic, obviously I'm going to be visiting the dispensaries. I'd like to bring some seeds, and oil back with me maybe some edibles. I'll be flying, so is there any good way to get it home with me checked bags....? Mail...
  7. MichealScott

    Should I be worried....

    No apology necessary man, its all about sharing information and helping each other get the best out of their plants. And its never a bad idea to share new information with people, even if you've said it before. Had I not happened upon that page I wouldn't have read that. Like I said I appreciate...
  8. MichealScott

    Should I be worried....

    I saw you post a similar post on another thread.. I would agree with you!! I don't ever start off with full strength partly because I'm afraid to burn the poor thing... I mean after all it is a WEED the more we get involved the more harm we seem to do sometimes. They do fine on their own but...
  9. MichealScott

    Should I be worried....

    Okay, thanks a lot for you input! I really do appreciate it!!
  10. MichealScott

    Should I be worried....

    No, she'd been outdoors for for a good few months before I put her in the ground. She was close to the house under the eves so she wasn't in direct sunlight for as long as she is now. When I transplanted her I put bone meal and blood meal down in the hole along with some mykos for root growth...
  11. MichealScott

    Should I be worried....

    I gave her some epsom salt last night and a scaled back dose of nutes. I'm thinking I need to just lay off the nutes all together for awhile because when I went out there she doesn't seem to have improved any. And maybe gotten in a tad worse... I've attached some more photos for you guys. And...
  12. MichealScott

    Should I be worried....

    Hello all, I'm fairly new to this whole growing thing. I've got one plant and she seems to be doing okay other than the fact that about a 3-4 days before I transplanted her, her leaves started to die on the tips. I laid off the nutes and gave her just water for a few days to no avail. I...
  13. MichealScott

    First Time Grow

    *Update* I checked on her today, it doesn't look as if it is spreading... at least not very fast at the moment. I also noticed that the tips that are brown aren't crunchy like one would think... on the underside of the leaves they look a lot like old brown lettuce and they have the texture and...
  14. MichealScott

    First Time Grow

    I’m feeding her Flora Nova Bloom, SuperThrive, Beastie Bloomz, MicroNutrients, and Fish Mix (emulsion). 3 gallons usually once every other day or so.
  15. MichealScott

    First Time Grow

    I will post pictures up of her later when I get a chance but I just need some input/advice. I started noticing a few of the leaf tips turning a slight brown color a few weeks ago. I figured maybe I had just mixed her nutrients a little too strong... so I let her be for a few days before I fed...
  16. MichealScott

    First Time Grow

    Here is a photo of her in the ground for you guys...!
  17. MichealScott

    First Time Grow

    Will do man, I did put her in the ground yesterday. I checked her when I got up and again when I got home from work, she seems to me taking it well. No drooping leaves or other signs of stress or anger...
  18. MichealScott

    First Time Grow

    I did think about just putting the pot in the ground too. I have plenty of room in the yard to put her out there no problem. And shes been in flower for about 3-4 weeks now. I feed her every other day or every third day depending on what she looks like and if she tells me she wants more or not...
  19. MichealScott

    First Time Grow

    Here are a few more photos.... and also she has yet to be named because I got her out of a bag.... so suggestions on names would be nice too.
  20. MichealScott

    First Time Grow

    This is my first grow. She is in a 3 gallon pot in coco. I'm going to be putting her in the ground here before too long. Any suggestions based on what you see...? Questions, Comments...? Any advice or tips would be really appreciated!! Thank you in advance.