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  1. ElChoppo

    How much would this yield?

    The thc isnt as strong right?
  2. ElChoppo

    Guide to Nutrient Deficiency or Toxicity

    Yeah the stretching would have caused it, ill up the cal mag, its definitely getting enough k as ive been feeding everyday. Just flushed with bloom nutes and calmag yesterday and i think its getting better. Thanks.
  3. ElChoppo

    How much would this yield?

    I cut it down today, realised they might have been pollinated and found a a couple of seeds while trimming, might make some cookies or brownies with them.
  4. ElChoppo

    How much would this yield?

    Ill weigh tgem in a week and let you know.
  5. ElChoppo

    Guide to Nutrient Deficiency or Toxicity

    Theyre in flower
  6. ElChoppo

    How much would this yield?

    Fair enough, its supposedly 270w actual draw, but as a smoker looking at the plant im guessing 3oz, though im not sure what itd weigh once i harvest and dry.
  7. ElChoppo

    How much would this yield?

    Oh true true, its uunder an alledged 500 watt led so thatd be sweet. Im guessing around 3-4 oz's though
  8. ElChoppo

    How much would this yield?

    Jjst wondering how much this autoflower lowryder 2 woyld yield and how many weeks left til harvest?
  9. ElChoppo

    Harvest Time: A Tutorial

    Hahaha alright cheers for that, im just growing to eat the seeds, heard hemp seeds were full of vitamins.
  10. ElChoppo

    Harvest Time: A Tutorial

    Also would nutes speed it up or irrelevant at this stage?
  11. ElChoppo

    Harvest Time: A Tutorial

    Ok thanks man, btw what do you mean by two inches? They're basically 4 weeks old now, did you mean 2 weeks?
  12. ElChoppo

    Leaves turning brown (orange, really) in late flower...

    Looks like its nearing the end of its life cycle, may want to start flushing
  13. ElChoppo

    Harvest Time: A Tutorial

    Just wanted to know how far off these are?
  14. ElChoppo

    Guide to Nutrient Deficiency or Toxicity

    What up Just wanted some advice as to what could be causing the yellowing on the fan leaves? Its mainly from two of seven plants. First week of flower amd ive been using cyco bloom at half strength with gh calmag, plus some molasses and silica. Ppms are about 7-800 going in ph within 5.5-5.8 as...
  15. ElChoppo

    Harvest Time: A Tutorial

    Just wanted to know if these are close to ready. First auto ive grown but not too bad looking i reckon. Checked the trichomes asnd they are mostly cloudy with a few random ambers and some clear lower down where there is less light so i might just leave those to keep growing. Its a lowryder 2 but...