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  1. R

    Led harvest

    Yeah I get that but my price range didn't stretch that far so for what I paid I don't think it's that bad tbf
  2. R

    What light's are u using?

    What light's are u using?
  3. R

    Led harvest

    They are photos I've a mix of photos and autos growing at the moment
  4. R

    Led harvest

    Just harvested my first grow of 2 plants a special queen and special kush from rqs I used 2 less at a total of 1600w but that's led watts in normal watts it's about 275w anyway I got 62.56g from my queen and 117.29g from my kush I'm happy with that but feel like I should have had bigger...
  5. R

    can an led light match a 1000 wat hps

    I have a 1000w led and my girls love it it cos £49.99 from ebay. I started with a 300w cfl which is ok but personally I prefer my led
  6. R

    Raising temperature

    Question my gf surprised me with a 600w led should I add it to my 1000w led?
  7. R

    Raising temperature

    It's fine now it's just because I changed spaces for more room but now my temp are fine steady at 24.6 rh 64% which I'm now happy with and my girls seem to love it
  8. R

    Raising temperature

    Just feels cold in there
  9. R

    Raising temperature

    Hi just a quick question my temp in my space is 22.7 and rh 65% is that OK or do I need to raise the temp and lower the rh?
  10. R

    Nutrients for soil grows

    30 days old
  11. R

    Nutrients for soil grows

    10 days think its ok
  12. R

    Nutrients for soil grows

    Thankyou for ur advice really appreciate it ill keep u informed
  13. R

    Nutrients for soil grows

    Thus is my first griw im doing critical kush photoperiod whats best to use