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  1. N

    Smoke tricks

    in order to do these thick milky smoke tricks, do you just take a mouth-hit or do you inhale normally?
  2. N

    Weed vs. Tobacco

    i agree 100% with you. smoking from dusk till dawn, is not keeping it under control. weeds just like anything else in life. use it sparingly and it doesn't become any bigger in your life than eating an apple. but if someone wants to smoking tons everyday that's cool, i'm not condemning that...
  3. N

    For those who want to move to a MMJ state

    what's the best way to feel your doctor out on the issue? i've been with my current doctor a long time now, and we're on a solid first-name basis when i'm in the clinic. i'm nervous that he might think i'm a dope head and maybe doesn't know how healing the stuff can be (i'm a chronic migraine...
  4. N

    Weed vs. Tobacco

    you don't have a 6 figure income if you're high all the time. bullshit.
  5. N

    Anybody ever heard of this?

    :spew: fucking gross
  6. N

    Need a friend

    i like issaquah. nice areas i'm in the south end. auburn-ish. i feel your pain
  7. N

    Weed vs. Tobacco

    the only professionals i know that smoke weed smoke it like an adult. on weekends where vices that effect your performance are acceptable. every single chronic smoker (high 24/7) hasn't been able to hold a good job. i know that correlation does not equal causation necessarily. i wouldn't...
  8. N

    Weed vs. Tobacco

    are you guys serious? i can smoke during a break, and then go back to work. if i smoke weed, i'm worthless for the rest of the day (unless your job is in a record store or some stupid shit) you wouldn't be allowed to smoke weed at work or be under the influence of it just like with alcohol...
  9. N

    Can you smell your grow room?

    i used to. i just put the kitty-litter box in front of the closet door now so no worries :mrgreen:
  10. N

    How tight to pack bowl?

    bump :hump:
  11. N

    How tight to pack bowl?

    sorry i didn't check on this thread sooner (work and school) and YES! that's fucking hilarious i've never had anyone make the connection before!
  12. N

    When to nute MG soil

    Oh heck. Says three months! Oh well, looks like she'll be getting some straight water now. Thanks
  13. N

    When to nute MG soil

    I'm 3 days into flowering with a 1.5ft tall plant, and it's been 7 days since my last watering. Up until now, I've used only water. I am using Miracle Grow soil (dumb I know). Should I use some of my Tiger Bloom nutrients today? Does the MG still have enough nutes left that it'll burn the...
  14. N

    How tight to pack bowl?

    Should I push it and pack it down there hard? Or is it more effective to put a lot in there but keep it slightly 'airy'?
  15. N

    How tight to pack bowl?

    Last week I started smoking again after a long dry spell (ran out, too lazy to buy more). I took a small amount (think fingernail size), lightly dropped it into the bowl, and lit up. I hold the lighter over the weed and suck gently but deliberately, with my finger over the carb. I keep...
  16. N

    Help i effed up my lighting!

    your buds will be shitty. light and fluffy. you'll be pissed, and you will wished you had listened to us when we told you so. my advice- don't even bother flowering under flouros or cfls. start veggin under those (they will work fine) and start working overtime so you can buy an HID.
  17. N

    Just got new lights need help please

    they ARE money. search around for the 150watt HPS inspirational thread, it shows different ways of setting the light up properly.
  18. N

    Do I have to vent a 150watt HPS?

    Thanks for the answers both of you!
  19. N

    Do I have to vent a 150watt HPS?

  20. N

    Do I have to vent a 150watt HPS?

    I'm growing in my closet. It's a walk-in, but I've sectioned off an area 3X2X5 about. I'm currently growing one plant, but plan on in the future growing two at a time. I have 6 two-foot flouro tubes and 3 42watt CFLs for vegging. The plant (clone) is now approximately 10". A small PC...