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  1. Green Camel

    Short and bushy

    What’s up guys, This is my first growing experience, and my plants are 30 days old now. I planted the seeds on June 8 which they are auto and I transplanted them last week to bigger pots because I made a mistake in beginning of my growing that I planted them in small pots. I’m using two LED...
  2. Green Camel

    Transplants Auto

    Hey guys, I've question about transplant the auto strains as first time growin. I did something wrong when I planted my marijuana, I pleaced 'em in small pots and I'm in 4 weeks right meow and I didn't know that autos shouldn't/can't be transplanted but it was too late when I read about them...
  3. Green Camel

    LED Companies w/ LINKS

    Hey guys, It's my first time growing MJ I'm growing right now in about 32" x 32" x 47" tent, and I've the Roleadro 300w LED but I"m growing more than 2 plants. I've posted a thread two weeks ago here about the equipments that I have, and someone said the grow tent won't fit for 3 plants and I...
  4. Green Camel

    Please some advises

    I'm sorry guys for replying late, the website is blocked here and I have to VPN the browse it. :cry:
  5. Green Camel

    Please some advises

    These stuffs easy to get in U.S. not around here my man.
  6. Green Camel

    Please some advises

    :roll: I know, I'm trying to do what it feels right lol. But they right about the lights.
  7. Green Camel

    Please some advises

    Yup, I agree. the 3way meter only helps with moisture. Still there is no run off water from the pots. I water them as you said and I noticed it makes different.
  8. Green Camel

    Please some advises

    After looking around local stores during the holidays here and searching online, here the brands that I can buy from amazon: PittMoss - Price: $39.99 + $110.96 Shipping & Import Fees Nature's Care Incredible Expanding by Mircal-Gro $15.99+ $28.67 Shipping & Import Fees Dr. Earth Acid...
  9. Green Camel

    Please some advises

    Couldn’t buy any of these here or even on amazon. No seller at amazon ship to my country or else I’d buy foxfarm. I’m kinda disappointed about my growing, they still look small and it has been 10 days since the seedlings. I tried to measure my pH in the soil with three way meter and it shows...
  10. Green Camel

    Please some advises

    What about black gold soil any good idea?
  11. Green Camel

    Please some advises

    I bought foxfarm’s nutrients, the issue is with grow big. It can can be used on hydro only, and I read a comment for this guy growing with epsoma and he uses tiger bloom with thier soil and it worked well.
  12. Green Camel

    Please some advises

    I forgot to ask how they look guys?
  13. Green Camel

    Please some advises

    These are my plants. Should I move it to a pot now? I’m getting my second light in next 2 weeks. Unfortunately, I didn’t find and seller on amazon that sell foxfarm ocean forest and ship to my country. I found it on ebay but the shipping cost was about triple the price of the product.
  14. Green Camel

    Please some advises

    You suggest to change my lights since I’m growing 2-3 planets?
  15. Green Camel

    Please some advises

    The issue here, I won't be able to find something to do any mix soil. Not many farmers around here and I think no one has grow marijuana ever in my county cuz of the law. My light cycle now it goes on at 4 PM and it goes off at 10 AM, I kind controlled the tent environment and the humidity.
  16. Green Camel

    Please some advises

    I only found this product for espoma and their liquid (Start, Bloom & Grow) the stores here don' sell their biotone. I uploaded images here of the soils.
  17. Green Camel

    Please some advises

    The problem with fox farm is the custom won't allow it to go though because it's not available here and I have to order it online. also, we only have these chooses for the soil around here. I tried to look for another organic soils here but I didn't find any good stuff. So far, I managed the...
  18. Green Camel

    Please some advises

    What's up guys... This is gonna be my first time growing Marijuana and I've read about how to grow lots, but there're some points I'm confuse about cuz I live in country that the weather gets over 100 degree and the humidity below 20%. I decided to grow mine in tent and just bought all...