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  1. CrazyCarl420

    Illinois medical marijuana card wait time

    Good morning everyone! This is going to be the week for a few people! Just checked informed delivery and my card is in the mail! 82 days from when the state received my application! Hang in there everyone! Your time will come soon!
  2. CrazyCarl420

    Illinois medical marijuana card wait time

    So my check was cashed last Monday and no card here. I’m hoping for a card this week Monday or Tuesday. I would think you are probably about a week behind me. So hopefully you will have your card early the following week. Almost there!
  3. CrazyCarl420

    Illinois medical marijuana card wait time

    Unfortunately not I! According to informed delivery! I have been approved but now just waiting for the card! I hope early next week! Today is day79 for me. Hope everyone has a good weekend!
  4. CrazyCarl420

    Illinois medical marijuana card wait time

    There is a menu online that you can look at. It says the prices and gives a brief description. They seem to inline with other dispensaries I have viewed online.
  5. CrazyCarl420

    Illinois medical marijuana card wait time

    You should have registered with a dispensary when you sent in your application. You can only purchase from the one you selected. You can change by submitting a change in dispensary request form.
  6. CrazyCarl420

    Illinois medical marijuana card wait time

    Hey SmK, You are very close to me. I sent in my application a week earlier but they cashed our checks 1 day apart. We are close! Hang in there.
  7. CrazyCarl420

    Illinois medical marijuana card wait time

    Not yet! Nothing in informed delivery today! I’m a couple of days behind you so hopefully later this week or early part of next week. So jealous, but very happy for everyone getting their card today!
  8. CrazyCarl420

    Illinois medical marijuana card wait time

    I believe you are correct. I called last week Thursday and they were processing my application. Off to the printer and hopefully in my mailbox soon!
  9. CrazyCarl420

    Illinois medical marijuana card wait time

    So the state of IL finally cashed my check yesterday! Funny thing it’s actually nice to see the money leave my bank acccount! It’s been 75 days today since they have received my application. Final stretch! I hope some people get their cards this week. Any day gang!
  10. CrazyCarl420

    Illinois medical marijuana card wait time

    Congrats! Let’s us know when the card is in hand.
  11. CrazyCarl420

    Illinois medical marijuana card wait time

    Good morning! This could be the week for some! I hope everyone has a great week. If you get your card this week let us know!
  12. CrazyCarl420

    Illinois medical marijuana card wait time

    You are so correct! Just hang in there everyone! It’s 90days from when the state receives your application. Soon!!
  13. CrazyCarl420

    Illinois medical marijuana card wait time

    Just called and the nice gentleman said they are processing my application. About time! He said if they everything I should have my card in 30 days. So I hope that means about 2 weeks. Today is the 71st day since they have had my application. But who’s counting? Almost there!
  14. CrazyCarl420

    Illinois medical marijuana card wait time

    What day did they receive you application?
  15. CrazyCarl420

    Illinois medical marijuana card wait time

    Another Monday... another week closer for me! Who has received their card or what news have your regarding your card. If you have received your card in th last week let’s us know your complete history. I feel like the wait is still around 85-95 days from when the state receives your actual...
  16. CrazyCarl420

    Illinois medical marijuana card wait time

    So let’s talk positive! Who has received their card? Anyone this week or last?
  17. CrazyCarl420

    Illinois medical marijuana card wait time

    I might have missed it but I don’t think anyone with May submission dates have received their card. Anyone that turned in May receive their card? If so please provide your date. Thanks!
  18. CrazyCarl420

    Illinois medical marijuana card wait time

    So I have been following this blog for 2 plus months and the usual wait time is about 85-95 days from when the state received your application. I would call or email and ask them what’s up. There are some numbers in previous pages. I would think your time is near.