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  1. S

    Need some advice is my plant doomed

    And I gave it nutrients two weeks ago then more recently im being told that I should be giving it water only. I'm pretty sure I had posted in the thread saying I had given it or was going to give it the mega crop. I gave it the mega crop 3 times since I got it (2 weeks ago) The plant has not...
  2. S

    Need some advice is my plant doomed

    What do I need to do to give it microbes though I don't really understand where they come from
  3. S

    Need some advice is my plant doomed

    Alright!! I'm sure it's frustrating for someone who knows what they're doing to watch me not see that it needs food when it's so obvious to you. I'mma give it some food with the water tomorrow then, thanks!
  4. S

    Need some advice is my plant doomed

    Thank you for your help!!!!!!!!! I will be updating the thread every few days or so if I can
  5. S

    Need some advice is my plant doomed

    Should I give it nutrients the next time I water it?
  6. S

    Need some advice is my plant doomed

    I took these pictures today I know the light is on but the main thing I wanted to show was the curling leaves.
  7. S

    Need some advice is my plant doomed

    I am too! Everyone has been way more helpful than I could have ever hoped so for that I thank all of you! I'm going to keep giving it plain water until it looks a little better (maybe until the end) but right now I havent really seen any improvements.
  8. S

    Need some advice is my plant doomed

    I was thinking about giving just water the next 2 or 3 times and I'm not sure I haven't got that far yet. I'll look online for something I could get to measure it
  9. S

    Need some advice is my plant doomed

    Tha thanks for this reply I appreciate it I'm definitely going to use this for my next one but I need to find where to get more seeds first!
  10. S

    Need some advice is my plant doomed

    Hahaha I hope you're right! I just want to get something out of it
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    Need some advice is my plant doomed

    These are from today. Not looking so hot
  12. S

    Need some advice is my plant doomed

    I haven't changed the soil but I added more holes in the bucket and gave it some water, waited until the soil was really dry and gave it some mega crop the next time I watered it. So far it has grown new nicer leaves but it still has burnt tips and some of the leaves are curling. What do you...
  13. S

    Need some advice is my plant doomed

    Thank you I'm gonna be looking into getting new soil and I ordered a pH tester so hopefully my next grow will have less issues. For now I'm just gonna hope it stays alive lol
  14. S

    Need some advice is my plant doomed

    Based off of the pictures does anyone have an idea of how much longer I have before I can harvest because it has lost like 4 more leaves since I posted this.
  15. S

    Need some advice is my plant doomed

    What am I looking at ? How little of everything it has?
  16. S

    Need some advice is my plant doomed

    Alright I'll make some more holes in the bottom and give it water without nutrients first And see how that goes and then if no improvement I'm going to give it some mega crop and hopefully it won't die on me. And my next plant I will DEFINITELY make sure I'm checking the pH I appreciate all the help
  17. S

    Need some advice is my plant doomed

    Alright I appreciate it I'll look into the strawberry fields stuff as soon as I can afford to buy more things to improve my setup
  18. S

    Need some advice is my plant doomed

    Rhank Thanks I'll try that