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  1. renegade11220

    Ready to harvest?

    Thank you :bigjoint:
  2. renegade11220

    Ready to harvest?

  3. renegade11220

    Ready to harvest?

    I actually just got a jewelers loop, what am i looking for to know its done?
  4. renegade11220

    Ready to harvest?

  5. renegade11220

    Ready to harvest?

    Ill try and get some good pics, strain is jacked up btw :bigjoint:
  6. renegade11220

    Ready to harvest?

  7. renegade11220

    Ready to harvest?

    Can people please give me opinion is this close to harvest?
  8. renegade11220

    Beginner . 57 day old plants, any advise?

    Alright, thanks guys. I'll lay off them for a while.
  9. renegade11220

    Beginner . 57 day old plants, any advise?

    I am getting alot of little bugs in the soil, that fly around. Like little tiny flies. Doing my research they look like some Fungus gnats, I was spraying them with some stuff I bought yesterday :fire:
  10. renegade11220

    Beginner . 57 day old plants, any advise?

    I already put them into flower, I started giving them some blooming nutes and I switched the light schedule to 12 on/12 off.
  11. renegade11220

    Beginner . 57 day old plants, any advise?

    :bigjoint:any advise or comments on these plants?
  12. renegade11220

    Could someone please identify sex of plant?

    Ya, I'm still new to the whole process. I guess it's all trial and error just like everything else. I'll make sure to get on that early next time
  13. renegade11220

    Could someone please identify sex of plant?

    na man, I must have just been lied to, it is by TGA
  14. renegade11220

    Could someone please identify sex of plant?

    I guess I was lied to bro, When I bought it the person made it clear they were feminized seeds :shock:. Anyways, only 1/5 plants is male, rest is female. So I guess it could have been worse.
  15. renegade11220

    Could someone please identify sex of plant?

    Alright, cool thanks. I was just wondering because I was told the seeds were "feminized" lol
  16. renegade11220

    Could someone please identify sex of plant?

    I'm happy with that, but do you think it will significantly effect my buds and yield?
  17. renegade11220

    Could someone please identify sex of plant?

    jacked up strain :cuss:
  18. renegade11220

    Could someone please identify sex of plant?

    Hey guys. Thanks for all the responses. So the strain is "Jacked up" and they were feminized seeds. :cuss:The pollyps that you guys are seeing only came fairly recently, probably around 2 weeks ago. The plant was looking just like my other females until recently, so that's why its been in there...
  19. renegade11220

    Could someone please identify sex of plant?

    Seeds are feminized, but this doesn't look like my other female plants. Is this a male?