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  1. Jesus H. Christ

    Seed Production. A Tutorial

    I guess I'll just change her name to Runty and hope for the best.
  2. Jesus H. Christ

    Seed Production. A Tutorial

    I wonder what's going on, then? The plant has been a slow grower since germing, and now stopped - though healthy and blooming. Maybe just a runt, or root bound in the small pot. I pollinated the whole plant, so I'll have plenty of chances to see if the kids are shorties too. That would actually...
  3. Jesus H. Christ

    Seed Production. A Tutorial

    fdd2blk: Thanks! I've been following your guide for a few months now, growing out 1 male, 1 female to make a nice stash o seeds. You covered just about everything, but as the grow is getting close to ending, I'm curious if you've noticed seed producing females slow way down at the end? This...
  4. Jesus H. Christ

    fruity Thai and G13 Superskunk

    The Lord is not interested in 400/600 lamps. Too puny. So sayeth the Lord! For ventilation, the room useth a 172 CFM centrifugal fan on a line voltage thermostat, which constantly cycles on and off to maintain 68F. The room is 1024 cu ft, so even on the coldest days, when the fan only runneth...
  5. Jesus H. Christ

    first grow under 96 watt fluro fixture

    Also: Your soil does look very dense. Dig through the holy scrolls for pot-up recommendations for your transplant into bigger pots. The Lord mixes 25% perlite with his soil. This hath worked well for the Lord. Peace & Love J.H.C.
  6. Jesus H. Christ

    first grow under 96 watt fluro fixture

    You're going to kill them with kindness if you go too crazy mothering over every little thing. So sayeth the Lord! That looks like a little nute burn. Maybe back off your fert strength to 1/4, or even zero for the next couple waterings. Otherwise... the Lord thinketh your children are beautiful...
  7. Jesus H. Christ

    fruity Thai and G13 Superskunk

    The Lord started this grow 11/2. (4) Fruity Thai, (4) G13 Superskunk. Initially with a 400W HPS on light rail, swapped to 1000W MH a few weeks in. All ladies (praise the Lord!) All healthy and happy. They'll go into 12/12 on 1000W HPS on Friday. Peace & Love J.H.C. ps. Grow log was being kept...
  8. Jesus H. Christ

    All this space not to go to waste

    I like all you Jesus's. Beautiful grow - great job documenting. Peace & Love (Another) Jesus