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  1. B

    Welcome New Members!

    That sucks, I'm new too and I haven't had that experience so far. Not trying to be a smartass but maybe you are getting what you put out? Your comment seems pretty hostile no offense.
  2. B

    Pro-mix with water-insoluble fertilizers?

    Yes I'm using autopot. Meant to be self watering system with a valve kind of similar to ebb and flow I think. Air domes are placed at the bottom of the pots to introduce air to the roots. This will be my first grow so excuse my indeciveness, I tried to go into the nursery with a plan but there...
  3. B

    Pro-mix with water-insoluble fertilizers?

    Yeah I almost got the herb and veg stuff because it was quite a bit cheaper but i was tempted by the Omri label on the organik. I didn't even consider having to add more myco, good to know thanks! My original plan going in was to do promix HP with jacks equivalent but I thought the organic route...
  4. B

    Pro-mix with water-insoluble fertilizers?

    I was misinformed! But now I'm a little more confused. Apparently people use promix HP with their auto pot systems and some people use coir. I went with promix organik because it listed coir and peat, so I thought I was taking the middle way, plus everything I have so far is Omri. I do have...
  5. B

    Pro-mix with water-insoluble fertilizers?

    So I got a bale of promix mp organik, green Gaia 4-4-4 and the flower bloom fertilizer after talking to people at my local nursery. I told them my plan, I want to mix the fertilizer into the promix. The fertilizer is a mix of organics like bag guano and alphap meal etc. Eventually Id like to...
  6. B

    2018 Grow your own thread

    Awesome thanks!
  7. B

    2018 Grow your own thread

    Do you know where I can follow Remo's autopot grow? He hasn't updated good YouTube channel since posting the start of his autopot grow, I was going to along with him.
  8. B

    Nutrients comparison

    Interesting, thanks for the insight!
  9. B

    Nutrients comparison

    Have you tried your brother's harvest? Any weird tastes?
  10. B

    Welcome New Members!

    Hello from Surrey!
  11. B

    Welcome New Members!

    Greetings from Canada! I just ordered some autopots and will be endeavoring in my first grow, and wanted to share my grow log when I have all my ducks in a row. Thanks to everyone before me who laid down the grown work to make this even possible, cheers!