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  1. lofty

    Hey everyone, how ya doing?

    welcome to riu m8
  2. lofty

    How to grow a little amount of weed?

    best thing to do before you start is do some reading then more reading, but a quick check list of things you need is a pot,soil,seed,light,water,fans and some feed, then read some more. then when you think you read enough just do a bit more reading, its not rocket science growing MJ as you can...
  3. lofty

    white widow 3 week into flower

    here we are now at 6 week and 1 day into flower of my white widow. there is going to be 1 more week of feed then a flush till its death!. The coin used in the picture is a UK 2 pound coin. On with some pictures
  4. lofty

    white widow 3 week into flower

    the dehumidifier is doing its job now, the humidity is now down to 35%, im gonna post some more pictures up later
  5. lofty

    This really is the END. WOW

    i think this prooves just how tough a cannabis plant can be
  6. lofty

    This really is the END. WOW

    nice grow m8 well done, enjoy those lovley buds
  7. lofty

    Nirvana White Rhino & Papaya Grow Close To Harvest With Pics

    cracking looking buds
  8. lofty

    white widow 3 week into flower

    I have been and got a dehumidifier, I have it set to 35% humidity, is this about the right setting? so hopefully no chance of the dreaded bud rot, this plant is coming upto 5 week into flower and she smells like a good un
  9. lofty

    First outdoor grow, Sour D.... The lone survivor.

    the 4th picture wins it for me, great looking buds
  10. lofty

    First Closet Grow Afghan Kush 1 Week Flowering 400W HPS

    they look alright m8, if your temps are up maybe try a few fans to try and stir the air up some and it may drop the temps, or as already been said maybe get a 250w hps slightly less heat, i run a 400w hps and have my temps about right, but i have had some battles before to get to where i am now
  11. lofty

    my first little crop since the early 80"s

    very nice plants m8,enjoy the smokebongsmilie
  12. lofty

    Let The Trimmin' Begin.

    im not a massive fan of trimmimg, but i was to trim some of these buds i wouldnt be complaining too much, they all look awsome buds and some huge plants, nice job
  13. lofty

    white widow 3 week into flower

    cheers for the replie SativAHHH, i have loads of bags of charcoal ill spread some around a bit, i have added an extra fan also to move the air around more and the humidity has dropped to just under 50, im going to see if i can sort out some sort of heater, and thanks for the replie +rep edit...
  14. lofty

    First Indoor Grow.

    if you want some fast bud then 12/12 from seed is the way forward, but if you willing to wait then veg them for how ever long you can hold out then switch them to 12/12. my 1st ever run at growing weed was 12/12 from seed then i used everything i learnt fromt hat to do a bigger more succesful grow
  15. lofty

    white widow 3 week into flower

    afternoon, im having what i think is a problem with the humidity, its between 60 and 65 on the guage i have, how can i lower it?, my temps are about right at 28 with lights on and around 20 off, so im after some tips on reducing the humidity, it may not be high but i am just not sure so im...
  16. lofty

    white widow 3 week into flower

    Well im 4 week and 1 day now with this white widow. I am very pleased with the amount of bud growth i had so far. Its been fed on levingtons tomortie
  17. lofty

    loftys 1st attempt at auto pots

    please delete this thread if possible sorry
  18. lofty

    Pc fan wire color

    all the pc fans i have wired up over the years have all worked, i used various chargers to power them from mobile phone chargers to chargers with a switch to alter the voltage.
  19. lofty

    Pc fan wire color

    when i used to use pc fans i cut the conector of it and i used a old mobile phone charger and then i just kept touching the wires together until it started to spin lol and when it did i just taped them up, not a scientific way of doing things but it worked for me
  20. lofty

    First time grow. Can someone please help me design my grow cupboard?

    In the past i have done grows in wardrobes and cuboards, i came accross a few problems and the main problem was the heat, i was using a 250w hps and was having trouble keeping the temps to a resonable level, things were simply getting too hot for the plants. With you using a 400w hps you will...