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  1. G

    I love growing from seed

    I like how you can top a seed plant and get 4 main stalks at the 2nd node.
  2. G

    It's been windy and cold.

    At least a lamb bone I would reckon, like a good spaghetti monster disciple.
  3. G

    It's been windy and cold.

    Haha what's your in-laws addy, you can get one too.
  4. G

    It's been windy and cold.

    Lol she has a car that didn't blow up in the last two years, what are you now...0-3? How about we arrange the pepperoni on the pizza in a smiley face to brighten your climate there in t-town co.
  5. G

    It's been windy and cold.

    It's cool I have some chicken. What time you want that?
  6. G

    It's been windy and cold.

    I've got some extra papa points...want a pizza delivered later?
  7. G

    It's been windy and cold.

    The age of lemmings.
  8. G

    It's been windy and cold.

    William Happer and Richard Lindzen are, in fact counted as the 97% Age of reason indeed.
  9. G

    It's been windy and cold.

    Colder than normal is just the weather. Warmer than normal is catastrophic climate change that needs to wreck the world economy hitting the third world the hardest.