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    Noob needs help.

    Hey Tim. I haven't fed them yet because I gave them some water on Thursday and the soil is not dried out enough quite yet. Gonna give it another 24 hours and then feed them. My issues started in week 5. The plants did great for the first 2 weeks which I believe is seedling stage. Then they...
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    Noob needs help.

    Hey guys, thanks again for the replies. Thank you Blitz for being so thorough. No worries about temps. I have the temp regulated to between 75 and 80 degrees F in the tent. I did mention putting the plants outside, this was because we have experienced some very warm sunny weather recently and I...
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    Noob needs help.

    Hey guys, thanks for the replies. I will try and answer a couple questions, and give more info. Ok, the plants are under an LED light. It is the Unit Farm 120 and I have it set on the VEG side of the light. The light is about 20" from the plant. I have 2 fans blowing across the tops of the...
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    Noob needs help.

    Hey All. This might be a bit of a long post but I thought I would share all the details. To start, this is my first grow (obviously) and I am really struggling on what to do, if anything. My situation: I have been disabled since 2010 and was prescribed Cannabis in 2016 after not having much...
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    My plants need a little help!

    Thanks for the input Morris. I have tried to PH the soil. I have one of those 2 prong PH meters from the grow shop, but I have no faith in it. It always seems to stay in the same place.... on the alkaline side of things at 7. I tried using it in tap water..alkaline at 7. I tried it in distilled...
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    My plants need a little help!

    Thanks for your reply Kush and Budz. Here's a little more info. The reason I use distilled mixed with tap water is due to an elevated amount of calcium in the water where I live. I was worried about putting too much calcium into the soil. I admit that my mixing is not exact. I use a large...
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    My plants need a little help!

    Thanks for your replies guys. I just want to clarify that the number on the top of the gauge is humidity, not temp. Temps have never been below 70 degrees and usually stay around 75 on average. The humidity is usually around 40 to 50% the average being about 44%. The humidity really drops when...
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    My plants need a little help!

    Ok, so I am growing 5 Northernberry plants from Peak seeds. These are not feminized and no sex has been determined on these plants as of yet. They are 33 days old from the first sprout of plant. So this is there 2nd week of Veg. I water them every 2 or 3 days depending on how the soil feels...
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    Diy FOTOP grow board 280x900x2.0mm (L29.52"xW9.18")

    Just wondering if you would do a parts list on what you put together. It looks impressive. I was also wondering if you had happen to know of any smaller boards they might have available. I'm growing in a 3 x 3 so the boards could not be any bigger than 750 mm long. Thanks for the great work .