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  1. cobbled

    First timer keen for a little feed back

    Nice tips, i have been thinking of running an Ebb and flow as it makes the pump timings far less forgiving than DTW. With a bell siphon and over sized overflow (for my own piece of mind) the timer i have that only goes to the full minute would be more than accurate enough. Do you run clay balls...
  2. cobbled

    First timer keen for a little feed back

    Chur to those tips as I can see how they will all help next time round. A lot of the low training was due to me being super eager and loving hanging out with my ladies on the regular.... I think as I am coming into the home stretch the honeymoon is over and I am keen to be a lot less hands off...
  3. cobbled

    First timer keen for a little feed back

    Sounds extream but user RM3 backs it up with a good amount of science so going to give it a go on one of my 3 girls that are the same. The others I will leave to grow the 3 extra days and then cut at the same time as the boiled so I can do a blind taste test and see if it ACTUALLY works. Few...
  4. cobbled

    First timer keen for a little feed back

    Ah didnt take it in a bad way was more expanding on why I am taking harder road of running two different strains... The good news is I did take cuts from the first round of defoliation, most of which are now well rooted and about 300mm tall. I will number each and keep track of the cuttings off...
  5. cobbled

    First timer keen for a little feed back

    @JohnDee keeping two different types is a pain but as getting different genetics is not easy for my that's what I am stuck with. I still cant tell them apart until mid stretch at which point next round I will know what is what and plan to then split them in two halfs of a tent. Thanks for the...
  6. cobbled

    First timer keen for a little feed back

    Agreed about keeping two different strains but I was given 4 unknown cutting that I assumed were from the same mother.... turns out I snagged a wild card! The bigger issues is I took cuttings before I worked this out so now my next batch is a unknown mixture too... I will make sure to start...
  7. cobbled

    First timer keen for a little feed back

    @JohnDee I did put all the info I could in as was guessing it would help track down my issue faster.... To be honest wished you had posted up sooner as all your advice was spot on. I lifted my calmag a little and started creeping up my feed EC and they bounced right back. I wished I had...
  8. cobbled

    DTW coco - first time grow, would love some feedback

    Massive thanks for the tips. I gave them 2-3 feeds with a good extra hit of Cal-Mag as well as finally seeing my run off PH start dropping into the mid 6s. Things have started to look far better and so wanted to show the results of the help as I really appreciate it! the last lights on...
  9. cobbled

    DTW coco - first time grow, would love some feedback

    Could someone confirm if the 20% run off I should be aiming for is: 1) based on the amount of fresh nutes put in vs the amount out the bottom ( 1000mL in with 200ml out ) 2) based on the overall volume of my pots ( 7.5L so should aim for 1.5l waste per feed ) many thanks!
  10. cobbled

    DTW coco - first time grow, would love some feedback

    Thanks Wilksey for being so blunt.... I had wondered if I was worried for nothing but as you may have picked up I have a bit of a habit of overthinking things.... I will do my best to chill but so excited to be well into this adventure and dont want to screw it up on the home stretch. Viceman...
  11. cobbled

    DTW coco - first time grow, would love some feedback

    Thanks Viceman for the feedback, good to get some experience eyes on my setup as I have done a truckload of reading and research to try and setup a nice little system. My current tent as passive intakes at the top with two 150mm tubes leading to the back of my heat sinks to add some cooling to...
  12. cobbled

    DTW coco - first time grow, would love some feedback

    Hi Guys, First up massive thanks for everything I have picked up over the past few months of ready and learning. I love seeing all the different method and ways to get amazing results but sadly this can leave a noob like me swimming in eye ball deep in options. Keen to get some advice as to my...
  13. cobbled

    First timer keen for a little feed back

    Hi Guys, First up massive thanks for everything I have picked up over the past few months of ready and learning. I love seeing all the different method and ways to get amazing results but sadly this can leave a noob like me swimming in eye ball deep in options. Keen to get some advice as to my...