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    I was able to register, but have not received the activation email....
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    Heisenbeans Genetics

    This is one of the nicest things I've ever seen, just Wow!
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    Heisenbeans Genetics

    I've been following your thread since it started, its the best thread here by far. I'm a lurker, its (still) illegal here (east coast). How can I, or can you please add me to the list, I'll gladly pay for your fire
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    Heisenbeans Genetics

    Okay, works for me, sign me up for the gg4 x wedding cake when ready, I'll gladly pay for the beast!
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    Should I harvest

    Wait another week, give the bud's a chance to fatten up
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    Long time member, first time grower

    Looking good!
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    YOUR flower room temps..

    Its winter here, running autoflowers in the basement, lights on 24hrs, temp = 68/75, humidity 32/37
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    Drying and Curing Help

    Get a Boveda 62% pack (Amazon) and put it in the jar, good to go
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    You know you are a grower when...

    You grow DWC, your PH pen suddenly dies, you order a new PH pen from Amazon, then spend the next two days all frantic........ waiting for Amazon to deliver the PH pen.
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    What do you do for SECURITY in your grow area?

    We went to the dog pound and got a Cane Corso. The dog was 18 months olden 85 pounds when we got her. The dog was kept in a crate with a broke leg most of her life (before being taken away from the previous owner). Anyhow a year later she's a real healthy, 120 pound beast that just wants to be...
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    Should I wait or harvest now?

    Should yield about a pound!
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    Should I wait a bit more to harvest?

    Let'em ride, let the girls pack on some weight
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    Vacuum pumps and traps

    I'm in the semiconductor field, high vacuum is used for fab the IC's. Anyhow when Washington became legal, what the dispensary's orderd to set up their shop's was Dry Ice Foreline Traps Direct drive mechanical pumps Stainless Steel Isolation valves Oil mist eliminators You can find all this...
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    Having more problems 5th week.

    You using hydro guard?
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    Open Show & Tell 2018

    Here is my first grow, Gold Leaf in DWC, LED, the end is near!
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    What did you accomplish today?

    Get a dog? Specifically a Cane Corso (Roman War Dog). We got ours, she's a rescue, was really abused for her first 18months prior to getting here. With a lot of love She's gained 20-30 pounds, now 110 pounds, 6' long when she stands up, with a head the size of a basketball, the dog is a...
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    Greenthumb Seeds- GG#4

    Thoughts and prayers for your wife. I had the trigger finger surgery, its no big deal, glad i had it done, best wishes!
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    just dogs

    This is Harold, some sort of Pitbull mix, very, smart, very, very friendly, he just wants to play. My wife only adopts "Rescue Dogs", usually the dogs have been returned 2-3 times before we adopt them. All the rescue dogs we're had over the last 30 years have been good dogs, they just needed...