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  1. L

    Leaves browning and driying from sides

    Ok thannks I'll try that too .it's weird I got leaves drying up but the plants are growing a whole bunch of more stems instead of getting taller.
  2. L

    Leaves browning and driying from sides

    Ok thanks guys I will start looking into my pH levels .and yea that soil doesent look good to me neighter I'm going to change them to a difrent pot and changing the soil soon thanks for all the support
  3. L

    Leaves browning and driying from sides

    I did feed them nutrients yesterday but the issue has been there since before I feed them
  4. L

    Leaves browning and driying from sides

    It I don't have a phone tester yet it's a Reggie plant does pH still matter as much?
  5. L

    Leaves browning and driying from sides

    I don't have any heat lamps and it's my closet it never gets too hot and I have very little nutes in this soil
  6. L

    Leaves browning and driying from sides

    It's nothing big it's yust a swagg plant it's my first time growing so I wanned to start slow the soil is organic miracle row tempeture in room always stays ateounf 78 I don't .have any heat ligts only 3 95w soft white light bulbs
  7. L

    Leaves browning and driying from sides

    My leaves are getting brown and are driying up mostly from the sides and a couple from the tip of the leaves also any help please ?
  8. L

    Leves on plant feel dry and are curling up

    I bought new soil and the soil was already damp so I did not water. And no nutriens
  9. L

    Leves on plant feel dry and are curling up

    Hey sorry I took so long to reply I was really busy with some personal stuff and yes but I have two plants and some of the roots tore on both plants bit only this one .is strugging
  10. L

    Leves on plant feel dry and are curling up

    So I just repotted two of my plants one is dung OK but the other one seems to be struggling really bad it's leaves are getting crunchy and there folding up like a taco also the edges of the leaves are getting like yellow and one of my leaves has a huge white spot on it I'm completely clueless...
  11. L

    White dots on my plant

    Ok thanks so much for your help
  12. L

    White dots on my plant

    Thanks for your input
  13. L

    White dots on my plant

    Ok cool thanks and I'm new to growing I should I maybe add perlite ?
  14. L

    White dots on my plant

    I started to notice white dots showing up on one .Of my plants I just placed this particular plant in a new pit with new soil from home Depot could .it .be powdery mildew or maybe spider mites