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  1. T

    What's wrong with my seedlings?

    Plants are doing really well now
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    How soon can you top?

    I appreciate for the advice and the feed back bro. Just trying to gain as much knowledge as I can
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    How soon can you top?

    Yea that was my plan to flower with the 400watt I just wanted to have more then one cola so ima wait
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    How soon can you top?

    Sounds good I'll just wait to top them then. I just don't to stress them since they kinda started off slow
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    Seeds in Brazil

    Lol cuz that sounds even more safe
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    How soon can you top?

    Yea I had an issue while they were seedlings that set them back on growth for a bit. That' why they are kind of small for 3 weeks but they look healthy now. And as far as lights I have 2 35watt leds for now. Do you think they need more light? I have a 400 watt hps I could use
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    How soon can you top?

    So my plants are about 3 weeks old from seed. And wanted to know how soon can you top your plants? Here are my plants. Stain is God's gift. Can i top them or should I wait?
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    What's wrong with my seedlings?

    How soon can you top a plant? And how do you do it? Just snip the top growth?
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    What's wrong with my seedlings?

    My babies are growing! Not bad for someone who hasn't grown in 5 years.
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    What's wrong with my seedlings?

    Looks like my plants are back on track thanks for the advice :clap::bigjoint::hump:
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    What's wrong with my seedlings?

    Ok sounds good. That's exactly what I did yesterday. I'm using advanced nutes at 1/3 strength. I'l post pictures in few days to see if they get any better
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    What's wrong with my seedlings?

    Yes they are starting to pick back up since I placed them into the setup. But yea I will start feeding them and hopefully they get back on track. Thanks
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    What's wrong with my seedlings?

    No nutes yet just ph'd water
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    What's wrong with my seedlings?

    I used to grow dwc a few years ago and decided to go with what I'm most comfortable with. I feel a bit rusty it' been about 5 years since my last grow
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    What's wrong with my seedlings?

    My two seedlings are 2 weeks old. Can anyone tell me whats going on with them? Strain is God's gift. I have them under two 35watt leds on 18/6 and started them off in rapid rooters in ph'd water at 6.5. Ppm out the tap is at 120. Temp stay around 75. And humidity ranges from 35 to 55. I placed...