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  1. LeafyGreenz

    Got that right!

    Got that right!
  2. LeafyGreenz

    Should I just smoke it?

    Maybe letting it finish growing is a good idea. You might get some good experience from seeing the plant grow to full maturity (and it'll probably make your next growth a lot better!). If not for the flower than for the experience (bonus: you'll have bud to smoke anyway!).
  3. LeafyGreenz

    First time grow

    Something that helped me grow when I first started was watching youtube videos. Seeing people do things and explain things in video might help you understand the information better. Just a suggestion... Good luck! PS - look up "Mr Grow It" on youtube... It's a good place to start.
  4. LeafyGreenz

    Delicious and nutritious

    Delicious and nutritious