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    Invalid Recommendations

    I feel the need to address this. Currently there are a few places where you can go and get a "recommendation" for MMJ in Massachusetts. To my knowledge these are invalid and irrelevant because the state has yet to release official applications for MMJ and there is no patient database yet. To...
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    Metrowest Friends

    Hey, I live in Metrowest looking to meet new people in the scene.
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    Nute burn OR Heat burn?

    I know pics would be a big help but I cannot post any at the moment. I've got what appears to be nute burn BUT its only at the tops of the plants, all the undergrowth looks great so this leads me to think maybe its heat burn? I definitely have temps sometimes up to 94 degrees in the tent and...
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    Seedlings, fungus gnats and hydrogen peroxide ?

    "hydrogen peroxide- dilluted and full strength, I sprayed gnats and fungus directly with pure hydrogen peroxide and they did nothing but squirm (for the worms) and fly away"
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    Rust spots?

    agreed. thanks for your input
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    Rust spots?

    pardon the bump, thoughts?
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    Seedlings, fungus gnats and hydrogen peroxide ?

    I forgot to mention I also used mosquito dunks. I don't recommend going that route at all.
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    Seedlings, fungus gnats and hydrogen peroxide ?

    Hey, Sorry to hear that man. I had this happen before when I used miracle grow organic soil. I fought a gnat problem from day 7ish until harvest. I used every method there is, fly traps, hydrogen peroxide- dilluted and full strength, I sprayed gnats and fungus directly with pure hydrogen...
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    Rust spots?

    I noticed this on one of my plants and just a small touch of it on another. They appear to be small circular rust colored spots. I know these pictures don't do much justice, thats an ipod for ya. Any thoughts? -Watered every other day since birth (I add perlite). At current state each gets 5...
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    Another is it ready thread

    I wouldnt chop her yet, though I get the logic behind it. suggest 4-5 cups of water per plant every other day for the next two weeks. From there wait 3 days and do a final water of 4-5 cups. Wait 3 more days and cut her/them down first thing in their morning cycle. Even if the health of the...
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    Another is it ready thread

    The trichomes look clear. You want to pick when 50% are milky and 50% are amber. I'm thinking 2 more weeks easy. Not sure whats going on with your leaves... Whats the temp at the height of the buds? Are you givin nutes? If yes, how often? How often do you water? How much water do you give...
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    Do roots use less space with Clay Pellets?

    Hey Guys, Moving to hydro with clay pellets and am wondering if I can get more for less with the clay in regards to the amount of space the roots will utilize. I.E. In soil I used 4 gallon pots, can I get away with using smaller pots with clay in a hydro setup? If Yes, what is a good ratio...
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    Best way to carry soil?

    DoubleJJ, YOU ARE THE MAN! This is exactly the kind of thing I need, buying one soon! Thanks man!
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    Yellow Crispy Leaves in flowering, brown spots on leaves

    not necessarily so. I thought the same thing, I gave them Cal/Mag and it got worse! Gotta be careful with nutes and salt build up, adding nutes can make the problem 100 times worse!
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    ants going into my pots

    its better than ants going in your pants! AH HA HA HA
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    100$ experiment! stay tuned

    LOL this is a funny thread. This guy is going to buy a 1/4 or a 1/2, sell half, smoke half, buy another, smoke the whole thing. end of thread
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    Best way to carry soil?

    Hey all, I'm wondering if anyone who has done an outdoor guerilla grow can advise on the best way to carry soil? I'm trying to find some kind of back pack that is more of a frame that I can load 100-200lbs of soil onto and carry it into the woods. Does anyone know of such a backpack? Or...
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    Old growth dying but plant is still growing at fast rate?

    I wish I could comment on the ppm of the reservoir but I've never run hydro. I'm paranoid about having too little time to react in the event of a problem. Also, I don't have a UPS or generator if I lose electricity. I advise against PH drops, especially if your nutrients have color to them. I...
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    Old growth dying but plant is still growing at fast rate?

    Hey SmokingCali3, What I'm seeing in your pictures looks exactly like the problem I had. In my situation I used soil and let the plants sit in the run-off. I would recommend checking the PH of your nutrient mix. Its also a good idea to check the PH of the water from your tap prior to mixing...