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  1. Timoune

    Confusion about THC and CBD levels on harvest time...

    Hi, I've read many threads (even a book Cannabis Encyclopedia) about when to harvest and trichomes stuff. I'm still confused about early harvesting and late harvesting THC to CBC ratio. It's been said that those milky trichomes that contains THC slowly convert to CBD when they turn to...
  2. Timoune

    Best extract method for edible and identification...

    Thanks for the clarification Fadedawg! I will settle with the clarified butter for edible requiring fats and the two step method from ChiefRunningPhist for drinks, candy and drops. I will report back. Awesome posts here that complete with the extraction methods in my book (Cannabis...
  3. Timoune

    Best extract method for edible and identification...

    Does an extract taste different if you use trims vs buds? Because the fat from the butter takes everything with it including chlorophyll. I've tasted some green cannabutter the green flavor was there and somewhat stays with the edible at the end of the cooking. I'm not saying I don't like the...
  4. Timoune

    Best extract method for edible and identification...

    Hi, I've been growing some few plants and they are few days before harvest. This is the first time I will be doing extracts main reason is taste. However after reading many topics on diverse 420 forums around I cannot settle on which extraction is the best for edible. Some people says forget...