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  1. F


    Okay so i have a hermie, as i can see yellow banana like flowers forming on my nodes, my question is can i just pull these off to prevent my others from seeding or do i need to completly destroy the plant???? plz help.....
  2. F

    So my plant is a hermie......

    Okay, I just had a quick question about my plant, I have been in flowering stage for about 4 weeks now and all the sudden little flower like structures are starting to appear around the nodes. Question is does this mean my plant is for sure a hermie or could there be something else that is...
  3. F

    Transplant into 2 or 3 gallon and how many should I flower?

    I was curious one this subject as well. I have my plants in solo cups and just got 8'' pots to put them in but now im worried that these are to small. Do i need to step my shit up?
  4. F


    Hey, Im as first time grower and just got to the point where i need to replant my babies. There about 4 - 6 inches high and all currently in solo cups. My question is is 10-20-10 the ratio im looking for in a fertilizer? and if so do I need to dilute it? when should i start adding it to the...
  5. F

    Long stem

    yea man im having the same issues thanks for posting this thread, looking forward to see how it goes!