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  1. HoppyPotty

    Quick Q. 12/12 veg?

    Can someone explain then how a plant can simoultaneously veg and bloom? or Are they just saying it has massive veg growth even in flower?
  2. HoppyPotty

    Quick Q. 12/12 veg?

    I was searchin some strains and found this: I was wondering if someone could clarify what the following paragraph failed to. "As an almost-pure Sativa, Silver Haze can vegetate and bloom simultaneously in a flowering...
  3. HoppyPotty

    you are NOT criminals

    I love you. I was looking for this documentary earlier, and loved every minute of it. It inflames my passion for legalization and intolerance for fools. ++REPS++
  4. HoppyPotty

    easy to grow in a closet and still really good

    Thanks guys! credit where credits due+
  5. HoppyPotty

    thinking of buying seeds

    I've been shopping for sativas lately and heres some I was looking at: Arjans Haze #3 Arjan's Strawberry Haze Big Bud (Sensei) (indica) Super Silver Haze Arjan's Ultra Haze 2 eDIE: forgot Kali Mist note. they are all fem seeds.
  6. HoppyPotty

    easy to grow in a closet and still really good

    A bonus would be it's ease for new growers, but I'm not a bonehead.
  7. HoppyPotty

    I think my baby is a male!!

    No you can't.
  8. HoppyPotty

    easy to grow in a closet and still really good

    Well I have the same question. I want to do a sativa or mostly sativa and an indica. Don't want to spend a lot on seeds so I'm more looking for yield more so then quality. Very little odor control.
  9. HoppyPotty

    Mother plant help.

    Thank you for clearing that up serapis. How long (on average) does it take for a mother to go back to a vege state? Maybe I shouldn't start with a perpetual grow for my first op.
  10. HoppyPotty

    Mother plant help.

    Thanks for the welcome and the advice! Although my post count begs to differ I am not a complete noob, I have been lurking for some time, and am taking the time to carefully plan out my fist op. I know about cycles and flowering and everything, I'm just curious as to why I can't flower my...
  11. HoppyPotty

    AM I GOING CRAZY?!?!? Decriminalization of Marijuana

    Awesome post man. Reps+. As I was reading this thread I was thinking about googling all the obvious logical arguments for legalization I've heard over the years. Thank you!
  12. HoppyPotty

    Mother plant help.

    Hey you with knowledge! So I am planning out my first grow indoors, and I have searched google and the forums for the answer so hopefully people wont flame me for asking a repetitive question. I want to get small grow of 2-3 plants going, harvest 2 initially and take the best one as a...