Search results

  1. l quintus

    Trainwreck, hawaiian snow, AUH#2 COCO 1st week.

    wow looking great realy healthy and green, look forways to that trainwreck!
  2. l quintus

    400w closet organic s.c.r.o.g. - Jack Herer & Unknown

    holy shit you got some crystaly bud, great job man! will be looking forward to your next grow!
  3. l quintus

    My producer. (First time grow)

    Yep we all know we can save money... but for something so self sufficient and easy to use, as well as tested and well put together. The quality and time saved outpays it's self in no time. Ive been looking into this and i must say this system is great for stealth, good quality and easy function...
  4. l quintus

    Barney's Farm Honey B review please

    looks intresting...
  5. l quintus

    AK47,Blueberry,Blue Cheese,Super silver haze 600w 12/12 from seed. 2nd grow

    hey man nice grow planning on growing some red diesel and blueberry when i move house, anyways tell me how it goes
  6. l quintus

    nute help!

  7. l quintus

    nute help!

  8. l quintus

    nute help!

    hi im new and this is my first post im a looking at the bc northerlights producer it grows 18 plants and has a 18 gallon tub. I was wondering if the nutrient scedual seems ok because it uses alot of nutes and i wasnt sure if it was right. Take a look...