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  1. Z

    Lowering water pH with vitamin C!?!?

    Cool...I'm on well water and have ph of 8.2 and take it to 6.4 with about a 1/2 cup of C powder in 550gal. Kelp for less sells 1lb of C powder for 11.95 delivered. I had stored some rain water with a ph of 7.0 of course...and it only took a table spoon for 550gal of water.
  2. Z

    Lowering water pH with vitamin C!?!?

    Great Info... I use food grade powdered vitamin C and it works great !
  3. Z

    Lowering water pH with vitamin C!?!?

    I have used Earth Juice ph down and I believe the smell is vinegar. I also had foam and found it was the fish I was using in the tea. If I use fish now I add it just before I serve it. Fish does lower the ph quite a bit. As far as keeping a consistent ph , I had no problems.
  4. Z

    Lowering water pH with vitamin C!?!?

    I checked with Kelp-4-Less on E-Bay and they sell ph lowering vitamin C powder. Plants can use the benefits of the vitamin C... as well as lowering ph. Grow on !