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  1. Rollngrow

    Biocomposter for co2 in growroom

    looking into buying this compost bin that supplies 3 hrs worth of cooking gas a day from kitchen scraps etc. maybe I was smoking some good stuff but I had an idea that this could be used with a co2 burner to supply my 13x12 with free co2...
  2. Rollngrow

    Club 315w lec

    That’s what I was thinking. So many reasons why that seems better. It always feels better to have someone tell you what you already knew for some reason. I’ve never been able to set something up that was this large and legal. Even though it’s not that large in comparison it’s a large...
  3. Rollngrow

    Club 315w lec

    I considered doing the very same thing. I was going to get 1000 de hps and put hem up inside the ceiling joists but then decided on the cmh lights but of course had to over think it and want to add hps, as I have grown with hps for like 10 years so I naturally want to use it.
  4. Rollngrow

    Club 315w lec

    Thanks! I was pretty set on the 630's but for some reason I got the idea in my head I should ad some 600's I have always grown in tents so the 7' ceiling wasn't as intimidating not to mention I'm in a wheelchair so I don't go huge anyway but I think the 6 fixtures will do well. I was hoping to...
  5. Rollngrow

    Club 315w lec

    Building a new room and looking for some input. My room is 13.5 x 12 for flowering. Unfortunately my ceilings are only 7ft but I can't change that... 6 de 630 nanolux Considering adding 6 600w de hps just for extra penetration etc Having a hard time relying on the nanolux system as my...