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  1. W

    GDP Auto , feedback

    Strawberry nuggets and 24 carot
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    GDP Auto , feedback

    Yes looks and smells like it's gonna be quite enjoyable smoke. Yeah ive just ordered a couple of seeds from them so I'll see how it goes when they arrive
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    GDP Auto , feedback

    Yes I've definitely noticed it's not a real big plant, I'm new to all this but compared to my first attempt can tell the GDP isnt a good performer. Mine has already started to flower and hasn't grown that big at all.
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    GDP Auto , feedback

    Hello all, I'm growing my second attempt of a auto. Just wondering if my Granddaddy purple is looking alright. It is just over 3 weeks since breaking ground It's under a 300w LED and a 130w CFL.
  5. W

    Big bud Auto day 23

    Since my last crop got ripped I'm now on a tight budget. I've tried to make a home made SCROG . does it look like it will do the job? Also she pretty short will she stay this way.? This is second attempt of a Auto
  6. W

    Learning / Experimental

    Hey guys, now this been good learning process for me but I've yet again came to stand still she has once again stopped growing , is that normal for auto once there flowering? Went missing for few days due to being in cells and now noticed hasn't changed much besides smell.
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    Cheers with all my mistakes and how it looking do you recon I may just get close to a oz? I'm starting to think not
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    Cheers champ, but by looking at them still got a couple of weeks left? About day 55 from seed.
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    So don't stress to much about the purpling of stem to much? Definitely learning curve from going photo's outdoor to Autos indoor
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    I've given the girl a good flush couple days ago, still really purple in stem and leafs . attached a few photos see if its aging alrights still
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    . Yes I'm already only giving 1/3 strength. Yeah all this problem have started now its started to flower ! I'll give that a try then
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    Medium- Canna Terra Pro Temps - Hi 29 Low 26 Humidity - 33-40% PH - each water I change between 6.8 - 6.2 Nutes - biobizz grow , bloom , topmax and cal/mag/iron Feeding - once a week and normal water every 2 - 3 day. Lighting - 2x 300w LEDs. Will attach more recent photo once I finish work but...
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    Hey guys my White Widows auto is really sick . now from doing my research I thought she was cal/mag def but still week later after 2 feeds of cal/mag/iron she still getting worse. Please any help will be appreciated
  14. W

    Learning / Experimental

    Last time I tested was 6.8
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    Learning / Experimental

    Should I try lower pH little more, see if that helps ? I new so everything is learning and take it all on
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    Learning / Experimental

    Using biobizz grow , bloom and top max
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    Learning / Experimental

    My pH is around 6.6 when feeding . She's been the lime green for past 3 days not worse but no better
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    Learning / Experimental

    Cheers mate , next think is does she look like I'm missing something in her feed? To me looks a little lime green now she's flowering
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    Learning / Experimental

    So safe to leave?
  20. W

    Learning / Experimental

    I think mine just turned hermi please help