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  1. M08B08

    CFL Lights where 2 put ?

    i have 5 14 watt 2700k 4 0n top sides 1 23 watt 2700k on the side,1 17 watt 7800k floro tube would this be ideal for flowering :weed:
  2. M08B08

    Air stones ?

    ive had 1 waterstone 4 about 40 days no problem buy a few from walmart and make sure to check on it once in awhile if u can take out and wipe it off,it seems to be going good 4 me
  3. M08B08

    CFL Lights where 2 put ?

    i have 5 14 2700k bulbs hanging from top a grow box but im thinking about buying some vanity lights from home depot and putting them from the sides since i c alot of people dong it.if not will i be ok ? :wall:
  4. M08B08

    what lights better for flowering ?

    my boys got both 400 watt MH and 400 HPS is there 1 thats better than the other any help would be sweet ! :weed:
  5. M08B08

    cutting lights

    ive been cutting lights 2 12/12 for about a week now it was in veg 4 about a month will i see any proggress soon wether or not its a boy or girl ? :weed:
  6. M08B08

    Yellow Leaves PT 2

    anyone ? :cuss:
  7. M08B08

    Green roots in hydro - Normal????

    i wrapped my homemade bubbleponics in like 2 rolls of black electric tape and my roots are nice :leaf:
  8. M08B08

    Yellow Leaves PT 2

    :wall: 2 more fan leaves got yellow should i pluck like i did b4,when i plucked the leaves b4 it seemed 2 be going good 4 awhile i mean its only the tips anyone help !
  9. M08B08

    whats up fucker!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!the request didnt go through hit me up we can burn !

    whats up fucker!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!the request didnt go through hit me up we can burn !
  10. M08B08

    Soil vs aeroponic.. which is better and why?

    personally i like aerponics or anything like it i have a plant theat 36 days old and is doing way better than any plant ive ever tried in dirt check it is a pic from about a week ago since then its got 4 new sets of leaves and...
  11. M08B08

    ph level

    :wall: what should my ph be in my homemade bubbleponic ? i just got a ph kit if anyone knows please tell me ?
  12. M08B08

    how to make a cfl light holder

    do u know if the vanitys come with a wall plug ?
  13. M08B08

    how to make a cfl light holder

    what about those t conectors you know where u plug into socket and it has duel sockets at other end ?
  14. M08B08

    how to make a cfl light holder

    i want to make one that will hold 3 cfls i just need something to hold and hang anyone know what im sayin ? at the moment im using metal coathangers to keep lights seperate :leaf:
  15. M08B08

    bottom leaves turning yellow

    hey whats up ? ne way since i pulled the dead leaves, my leaves are pointing straight up !good sign i heard and it must of grown a half inch,alos put some fresh water in the bank.anyone know how long till i know the sex ? :clap:
  16. M08B08

    bottom leaves turning yellow

    :clap:lol i dont think mines that close to flowering ,like i said this is m 1st grow i wont get mad if its a male then ill take some pollen and freeze it so i can breed it.but like i said ill keep posted
  17. M08B08

    bottom leaves turning yellow

    ok i plucked the leaves!im feeling really confident its gonna be ok ive spent alot of time getting it ready and being patient so it can live its life.i will deffinitly keep everyone posted well at least the ones who want 2 c like i said thanx 2 everyone again :weed:
  18. M08B08

    bottom leaves turning yellow

    so i can chop the 4 yellow leave how should the cut be made at stem of dead leaves or a base of leaf ?
  19. M08B08

    bottom leaves turning yellow

    fuckin sweet bro feel free to im me or email me ! this is my 1st official grow i used to grow shroomies that was fuckin awesome fun ! but bud needs a 1000 times more attention then my buddie thanx
  20. M08B08

    bottom leaves turning yellow

    no prob man me 2 lol just gettin stressed my babys gonna die