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  1. 6

    Trichomes, THC and UVB light.....

    Ok then firstly on a cloudy day in uk uvb levels can be 200 thats through the clouds lol so putting a 7% or 12% uvb bulb cant do any dammage?. so i used a 7% reptile bulb from 12 12 switchover. 12 hours a day till the end. ihad no problems whatsoever i did get some good trich coverage an was v...
  2. 6

    The UK Growers Thread!

    hey uk tokers im from the south east and cant get any nice stuf off anyone can some1 help im safe ass fuck please help
  3. 6

    Aquaponic marijuana veg chamber

    good video dude are them fish in ya resivouir and what are ya little plants floating with ? good work
  4. 6

    uvb light ?

    Can any one tell me if a uvb light is a white or blue spec. i only ask as i read a post on uvb light and its a good thing so i want to try it out. and years ago i grew a plant under a ultraviolet strip bolb an it grew well has any body els used ultraviolet ?
  5. 6

    Uncle Ben's Topping Technique to Get 2 or 4 Main Colas

    has any 1 lst,d and then topped a plant iv done this to a mother plant iv had plenty of cuttings from her and i think shill give me good bud so has any 1 els trained topped and budded a plant
  6. 6

    Would drying buds in flowering chamber work?

    im thinkin the same thing a box with hols cut in hanging above my reflector this will be warm and save on space.has anybody els done this?
  7. 6

    a little problem

    nice 1 mate im like 5 weeks in to flower an they look great.was a little worried but feel better now.Do you think big bud allways speeds a crop or not?
  8. 6

    a little problem

    hi can any body tell me why iv got lots of little orangey marks on some of the older bigger leaves.the rest of the plant looks really good tho any 1s advice would be much apreciated ty