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  1. M

    Red stems dark green leaves

    No idea the strain got it in a seed from some bud from harbor side and cant remember strain but it was fire
  2. M

    Red stems dark green leaves

    The 3-0-0 is a add on but the other is just basic soil nutes im gonna switch to fox farms trio or wat do u think best nutes are for soil its 5 days into flowering and is it ok to switch even tho ive been using same nutes its whole life
  3. M

    Red stems dark green leaves

    is this genetic or nutrient deficency been feeding house and garden soil a 0.2-0-0.2 and b 0.1-0.1-0.3 with connoisseur part a 3-0-0
  4. M

    Need help did i nute burn plants

    See ive used it once before i just disolved a small scoop in water and fed them u think it might just be burn from that and not deficincy
  5. M

    Need help did i nute burn plants

    Powder its xtreme gardening calcarb foliar booster it says its from calcium carbonate
  6. M

    Need help did i nute burn plants

    What about a foliar spray i have its 31% cal
  7. M

    Need help did i nute burn plants

    Turpur golden coast soilessmix liquid heavy 16 no cal mag one gallon pots i gave them xtreme azos powder once
  8. M

    Need help think i nute burned plants with pics

    The new growth looks normal green no problems ph lockout meaning my ph is too high or low?
  9. M

    Help!! Male or female?

    Thats a male
  10. M

    Need help think i nute burned plants with pics

    Tap water ph with heavy veg a heavy veg b i only fed them once with it dont rememeber how much but not alot outdoors during day bring into tent at night for extra light under 630 cmh watered prolly like once a day soiles mix is tupur royal gold its cocofiber aged forest material perlite crushed...
  11. M

    Need help did i nute burn plants

    i need help i think i nute burned my plants or over fed them theyve been like this for 4 days brown tips not goin away been only feeding plain ph water after it happened
  12. M

    Need help think i nute burned plants with pics

    Whats going on did i give plants too much nutes too early there in a soiless medium