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  1. J

    Odd Discoloration - Calmag Deficiency?

    I don't think it's TMV and there were no signs of any bugs. I believe it was variegation as it only happened to a couple of leaves and hasn't increased.
  2. J

    Odd Discoloration - Calmag Deficiency?

    Huh...first I'd heard of it in weed:,from%20what%20is%20considered%20normal.
  3. J

    Odd Discoloration - Calmag Deficiency?

    Is that a thing? I didn't know weed variegated...
  4. J

    Odd Discoloration - Calmag Deficiency?

    Yeah - thanks, I hadn't noticed them until looking closely at the picture. I'll take a leaf off and put it under the mag.
  5. J

    Odd Discoloration - Calmag Deficiency?

    Hey all - Just flipped to flower and all the plants are looking pretty good but I noticed one which had a couple of leaves that had strange discoloration. The 2nd pic has discoloration along with strange turning of one of the leaf tips. I've been feeding these babies 1/2 Tsp of cal+mag per...
  6. J

    3 Cotyledons/Leaves - Wha..?

    Now that I can appreciate! But that's it, right? I mean not necessarily higher THC?
  7. J

    3 Cotyledons/Leaves - Wha..?

    Enjoy it for it's difference merely or is there something more mysterious going on? ;-)
  8. J

    3 Cotyledons/Leaves - Wha..?

    I'd love to think this is some kind of super weed - like they used to talk about in the old days using colchicine (from crocus) to germinate (which I didn't) - but alas this appears to be a trifoliate of some sort. Probably not relevant but it's an AK47 Auto. Any theories?