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  1. twowheeltyler

    Grow Medium Help.

    Thank you for the response. I’ve been doing research on coco and coco grows for at least the last 6 months. I know it would be a great stepping stone into hydroponics. I plan on completing my first journal with this grow as well.
  2. twowheeltyler

    Grow Medium Help.

    Hey RIU, let me start by saying I’m sorry, I know this topic has been beaten to death, I’m just looking for input for my specific set-up. Im currently running a 2x2x4 tent with a single qb288 running 100 Watts 3000k spectrum. I have a few auto seeds coming from fastbuds, so I think I’m going...
  3. twowheeltyler

    First Post! 2x2 tent LED advice.

    @Royalroacho the drivers are 500ma each. This is the area were I would need your help. I'm a handyman, but electrical "knowledge" has never been my strong point, I get lost in all the watts, volts, amps, etc. @coreywebster yeah I don't really want to break that 250ish perfect sun budget, but...
  4. twowheeltyler

    First Post! 2x2 tent LED advice.

    Thanks for the quick response guys. I've done a bit of research on Cobs and I'm not opossed to them. I was looking at the 3 and 4 Cob Mau5 kits for a while. I'm pretty handy as far as soldering, assembly, etc. @coreywebster thanks the info and link. I like the kit so I put my email on the mail...
  5. twowheeltyler

    First Post! 2x2 tent LED advice.

    Hi rollitup community, how's it growin? My names Tyler, I'm a newbie grower, and this is my first post on any of the cannabis related forums. I found that I usually came across the most knowledgeable people and best advice on this forum so here I am! I started growing about 3 and a half months...