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  1. C

    grow(veg) during flowering stage

    One is fore sure flowering big buds the others seem like they are stuck on pre flowering but they have been 12/12 for over 2 weeks. Can't post pics I don't have a digital camera just seems weird about new growth during this stage but I don't know that much
  2. C

    grow(veg) during flowering stage

    Hi guys I have a question when plants are flowering should they grow new shoots and limbs these things grew like 8 more branches while flowering is this normal? And one is blowing up while the others still seem to be vegging and budding any advise would be helpful.
  3. C

    wills plants bud right?

    Cool, that gives me hope!!!! How much was the yield a lot less than it should be or about the same?
  4. C

    wills plants bud right?

    Now let's say plants have finished fully matured what happens if you don't harvest?
  5. C

    wills plants bud right?

    Do you think they will keep growing if the lights keep going?
  6. C

    wills plants bud right?

    They have been 12/12 from seed they have shown sex for like a month 1 is really beaned up and the others have a few, they are looking better now since new light and consistent timing and air. I dunno if I can do pics or not I don't have a computer I use my g1 cell phone =). But I might be able...
  7. C

    wills plants bud right?

    Hey guy what's up? I got a question about a few plants I have. They have been growing 12/12 from seed and they are now like 2 feet high and I had pollinated them for seeds(save some money instead of buying new ones.) But I was using cfl's and the light cycle got all messed up too long of light...
  8. C

    How to fertilize?

    Alright thanx man!!!! Could never find an answer for this much appreciated!
  9. C

    How to fertilize?

    So every other watering is ok? That's good to know I don't need to worry about to much fert in the pots at all when watering that much?
  10. C

    How to fertilize?

    Ya hard info to come by if you find anything shoot me a thread.
  11. C

    How to fertilize?

    Hello all, This is my first post have check out this forum many times and I am sure this has been covered but I can't seem to find the answer to my question. I am using general hydroponics nutrients in soil and I was wondering more or less how often and much to feed them. Do I water...