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  1. Pauliewogs

    First Grow: Hows She Looking?

    Started developing yellow growth around the new growth sites which also happen to be the bud sights obviously. Nothing too serious just the bottom half of the new growth is coming in yellow. May be an iron deficiency? I use half tap so i would assume I have iron in the water. Either way i...
  2. Pauliewogs

    First Grow: Hows She Looking?

    What strain is that Jim?
  3. Pauliewogs

    First Grow: Hows She Looking?

    Mine at least doubled in size when flower started. I decided not to LST or trim this time around hut ill LST from the start next grow to get a flatter canopy. Im happy with her. Auto. She looks like she could give me quite a but of bud but we wont know till harvest.
  4. Pauliewogs

    First Grow: Hows She Looking?

    Just a quick size update for anybody who is interested.
  5. Pauliewogs

    First Grow: Hows She Looking?

    Good looks
  6. Pauliewogs

    First Grow: Hows She Looking?

    I appreciate the advice my man. I will definitely do that. I just need to figure out how to secure the string
  7. Pauliewogs

    First Grow: Hows She Looking?

    Just a little update. This was her as of yesterday. Under the LED obviously. I just wanted you all to see the height difference.
  8. Pauliewogs

    First Grow: Hows She Looking?

    Hey dude good news though. Shes grown 2 inches since I posted this. Isnt that crazy? Shes 7inches tall now!
  9. Pauliewogs

    First Grow: Hows She Looking?

    Nah man. I appreciate every point of view. Thank you for taking the time ti comment!
  10. Pauliewogs

    First Grow: Hows She Looking?

    The RO water that I buybis from the market and I really dont want to pay .87 for each gallon of solution I mix up. So i do half and half to knock the costs down. Plus, I figure I keep some additional beneficial minerals by using half tap
  11. Pauliewogs

    First Grow: Hows She Looking?

    Yeh i did in the OP. At least i thought i did. A bit tipsy right now so forgive me if I'm wrong. I water half RO and half tap. I would do all tap if my EC wasnt .7 im doing the best with what resources I have at my disposal atm
  12. Pauliewogs

    First Grow: Hows She Looking?

    Alright cool. Ill start her out on the 6/9 right with her next feeding coming up. Watered over 24 hrs ago and shes still wet on top so im going to wait a bit longer. I went ahead and added the epsoms to the solution even though H3ad stopped using them. The flowers are starting to come out now...
  13. Pauliewogs

    First Grow: Hows She Looking?

    Yeah for sure im easing up starting tonight. Her last feed was 9pm last night. I also have one of the "blurple" lights except mine leans more towards the pink side of things. Right around 52% red 37% blue and the rest green/white light. Ive been using half of the recommended amount on the GH...
  14. Pauliewogs

    First Grow: Hows She Looking?

    Not a problem at all. Seriously, im grateful for all comments and advice. Thank you for taking your time to view my thread and comment! I hope that the tucking is enough because these fan leaves are providing some major unwanted shade.
  15. Pauliewogs

    First Grow: Hows She Looking?

    Ive read a lot of material warning against topping autos because any time it would take recovering would be taken away from bud production as the life of an auto is predetermined. Ive been tucking my fan leaves to allow the light to get down in there. I just didnt post the pictures of the tucks...
  16. Pauliewogs

    First Grow: Hows She Looking?

    Do you have any pictures of your grow that you could share? Mine didnt start blowing up in size till about 2 weeks ago. Im going to start waiting a bit longer between feedings so that my roots expand more.
  17. Pauliewogs

    First Grow: Hows She Looking?

    Do you just have a tiny scale to measure your gram of epsum?
  18. Pauliewogs

    First Grow: Hows She Looking?

    Ive probably stunted the fuck out of her then because ive watered every day since she started veg. Im just so afraid that shes not going to get all the nutes she needs that I overcompensate by watering till 10-20% runoff every day. Also, ive been watering at lights out which is the best time for...
  19. Pauliewogs

    First Grow: Hows She Looking?

    Right now shes on 2.5ml grow, micro and flora with 4ml calmag.
  20. Pauliewogs

    First Grow: Hows She Looking?

    One is my wife's hairspray and the other two are mine. I smell like a fucking flower, dammit. Dont judge me. LMAO