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  1. S

    Look At This Drug Bust!!!!

    Your guesstimate was a bit off...I raed somewhere that it was like $200+ million in USD and like several more million in Euro's or Peso's or some shit like that. Total it was like $280 million I think.
  2. S

    Any Pics of Huge Plants?

    My uncle and I found some 9-footers in the woods one day...The weed on it was pretty crappy and full of seeds, though. I think I have a pound of it sitting in my garage still. :P Goin' into the fire as soon as I remember to.
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    Ordering Psilocybe Spores

    Yes, cow manure will work. I'm not completely familiar with mushroom cultivation yet (read tons about it, still learning) but a lot of people do use manure. I'm not sure why, though...It smells like...Well, like shit, and you get the same results using grains. Spores101 quality mushroom spore...
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    I'm Outta Here

    Letting someone get to you on the internet, I find, is not worth it. Do you realize who most people are who talk shit? They ain't shit in real life. They're ugly, worthless scum who just like to rag on people because you can't see the REAL them. Ignore 'em and do what YOU like, fuck what they...
  5. S

    Get a Harvest Every 2 Weeks

    You said you only use 2 HPS set ups for the 4 tables? Really? I would have thought you would need 4...One for each table. Could you post a pic of your layout? I looked at your gallery but there wasn't any clear pics of it. I guess I just had a hard time believing that one light would be enough...
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    No Gas!!!

    I haven't bought gas for a couple years now. ...Then again, I only drive a couple times a month, so. Haha. I wish I could protest car insurance. I paid more in insurance than my car was actually worth, and the second my car got totalled by some A-hole, the insurance company said "Sorry, can't...
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    Weed Via Mail

    Word to anyone trying to do this: 1) If it's going out of country, or coming in, I'd suspect it to be checked. If it's staying in-country, it probably won't be. 2) I dunno' how well vacuum sealing works, but its probably your best bet. 3) Dogs can sort out smells, so wrapping it in coffee...
  8. S

    Even Med will agree with the Skinny Blonde on this one!

    Umm, they passed a law that made it so people with prior non-consensual time in a mental facility can't buy a gun. THAT is pretty reasonable. What this retard is saying is that they're "banning mass-murderers", which is an out-right moronization (is that a word? it is now!) of what is actually...
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    Matters Of. Size

    Man, I hate how everyone gets all PC'd up when they think a minor is around. Minors expose themselves to things, we don't expose them to anything. When I was a kid, I never understood the whole "over 18 only" crap. I was swearin' and stuff when I was like 12, and kids today are a LOT worse...
  10. S

    Urine For Fert?

    I can't believe some people would rather piss on their plants and grow them in cow shit than actually just going out and spending $20 on good fertilizer and soil. Pretty baffling.
  11. S

    Matters Of. Size

    It depends on the girl just as much as the size of the guy. My ex could have never handled more than what I have (about 7") and there are some girls who demand like, 12". As for most things, there is no one answer. :P
  12. S

    Google Earth

    I'll have to check that out. A LOT has changed in this town the last few years...Things I didn't even know about. The school park added a giant playground...Several houses got built...Needless to say, I'm 20 at the moment, so I haven't been runnin' around town to notice these things...
  13. S

    Google Earth

    I was wondering if someone like Lougrew ever took a look at his backyard when it was grow time! Haha. I dunno' though, seems to me the satellite took one picture of everything and thats what they use...At least thats how it is for my area. Everything looks the same as it did 2 years ago...Even...
  14. S

    Widow,Northern First Grow 18 Days Old

    I don't know much about growing, so you might want to let someone else answer for sure, but it looks like your light is too close then, yes. I mean, it is bad up top and gets less worse as it goes down anyways, so it kinda' makes sense. :P Doesn't look like a burn though.
  15. S

    Hey any folks here know me??

    Yea, they used to grow hemp around here a ton....Hey wait, we both live in the same state. ;) So apparently you know the deal! My uncle and I were cruisin' around and found two 10 foot tall plants in October...Took 'em home, picked 'em and got several pounds of weed...My uncle took most of it...
  16. S

    I lost 75 babies!!!

    Things like this is the reason why I don't smoke. :P
  17. S

    Hey any folks here know me??

    This is really cool to see. I don't think people here are hating...Well, okay, they are slightly. But probably not on purpose. Everyone THINKS they know whats best and they'll fight it as fact to the death, even if what works for you is what works for you. Looks like a ton of work, but worth...
  18. S

    how big a deal is the Marc Emery extradition case to our cause?

    Calling himself the "Prince of Pot" doesn't exactly help his case. He committed "crimes" and was quite public about it, so he'll probably go to prison. They like to "make examples" of people like him. People who OTHER people know about so they can say "See? This is what happens!" ...Too bad...
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    Some kinda mushroom... (Cubensis cake/poor mans terrarium)

    Contamination has nothing to do with them growing on shit...Penicilin mold is all over the damn place and screws them up. Trey this once...Leave an open bag of bread on the counter and leave a closed bag on the counter...In a couple days the one will be moldy as hell and the other (closed one...
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    Tobacco License

    Do you really even want to take the chance of being THAT suspicious with plants growing in your house? Scrap one of the ideas...