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  1. Snakedoc

    Can't figure this plant out

    Thanks! Great stuff. Soil tested N in surplus, P off the charts high, K depleted. Worth trying to amend or just leave it be?
  2. Snakedoc

    Can't figure this plant out

    I think she's just a runt. Oh, and it has the purple stems
  3. Snakedoc

    Can't figure this plant out

    Ocean Forest. Using the FF trio as scheduled and CalMag until everything went haywire (only this plant, the 4 others did well and have been harvested). Have it on an 18/6 light schedule. Lights about 24" away (600w LED). Lately I've been testing the soil and trying to adjust accordingly...
  4. Snakedoc

    Can't figure this plant out

    It's been sickly from the start. I've been pretty consistently at 6.5 in the soil. Just flush with balanced water? It's an indoor Soil grow in 3 gal smart pots.
  5. Snakedoc

    Can't figure this plant out

    i keep testing and monkeying with this northern lights auto and can't figure it out. I might be going too conservative with my adjustments...I don't know. Any ideas?
  6. Snakedoc

    Are these good to harvest?

    Started trimming my Blueberry and have found some seeds. Does this speak more to me waiting too long? Or messing up conditions earlier on in the grow? Or is it normal? Hopefully it's not crap.
  7. Snakedoc

    Are these good to harvest?

    Thanks! I think tomorrow is the day-- Amber is abundant now. This is my first grow so I'm just pleased as shit that I didn't kill them all in a week
  8. Snakedoc

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    Pics are of Blueberry auto and White Widow auto. Trichomes are a mix of clear and amber, and have been like this for 2-3 weeks.
  9. Snakedoc

    Are these good to harvest?

    I have a 128x scope and can see the trichomes very well. Many clear with some ambers. No cloudy to speak of. This has been the case for the past 2-3 weeks, so I am getting concerned that I might miss the boat and wait too long.
  10. Snakedoc

    Are these good to harvest?

    been seeing some amber for a couple weeks but still mixed with some clear. Should I harvest? These are autos. Pics are of Blueberry and WW.
  11. Snakedoc

    Dry in tent with grow

    I have smart pots on a folded up baby gate (Repurposing!). Unfortunately that's where they need to be or else the light fries them. Not nearly as much amber on the bud, so think I'll have someone water them while away and harvest then.
  12. Snakedoc

    Dry in tent with grow

    Great point about trichomes. I imagine I can create a breathable curtain to blackout one side. I imagine they would tend to dry out faster though, due to the heat from the light
  13. Snakedoc

    Dry in tent with grow

    Thanks. I was thinking that too. Also torn whether to harvest now or in 10 days when I get back from vacation. Some trichomes already are turning amber.
  14. Snakedoc

    Dry in tent with grow

    Of my 5 plants, one is way behind. For scent-related reasons, I need to keep the operation inside the tent where the carbon filter is. Can I dry the 4 plants inside the tent while still growing the other one? The humidity is right around 50%.
  15. Snakedoc

    New spots appeared

    Nothing ozone. I watered in some cal/mag so will see how that goes
  16. Snakedoc

    New spots appeared

    Indoor. And they only appear on this one plant. I'm not surprised it has issues as I thought it was dead at one point and threw a hail mary and blasted it with nutes. Brought it back from the dead and made a ton of buds--but way behind the others and now has the spots.
  17. Snakedoc

    New spots appeared

    Is Cal/Mag safe to use during flowering? I've tried to test the soil several times and always have trouble deciphering which colors line up. Everything appears to be in the right zone (ph hovers around 7 with my instant stick tester, but a little less on the rapid shake and wait ones). I read...
  18. Snakedoc

    New spots appeared

    --Autos in Ocean Forest and Smart Pots. --Feed very lightly (half dose of FF nutes) maybe once/week. --Water every other day, lately. --In Week 11, but it's my first grow and I had a slow start. --I have not used any Cal/Mag products. Sounds like a calcium deficiency perhaps? Thanks.
  19. Snakedoc

    New spots appeared

    one of my 5 plants presented with brown spots today. It's the late bloomer of the bunch (northern lights auto) and has been going wild lately. Only change from yesterday is I watered last night. Any ideas?
  20. Snakedoc

    NL Auto Leaf Discoloration

    BlueridgeGrower, how are they looking?