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  1. PNWsasquatch

    To Think Like a Nazi

    Hitler was far right wing just like you cons!
  2. PNWsasquatch

    To Think Like a Nazi

    RickWhite is a fucking dumb ass!!! I'm not even going to waste anymore time with you "cons" on a Marijuana website. STUPID! Your party doesnt want you!
  3. PNWsasquatch

    Who's Sick Of Obama Yet?

    Screw republicans...screw them like they screwed this country. So now that tables have turned all you right wing dicks are unhappy....Cry me a river, it has only been a few months....OH WHATS WRONG IS MR.CONSERVATIVE'S WORLD IS CHANGING... I really give a rats ass to what any of you haters...
  4. PNWsasquatch

    Next week on deadliest warrior, Pirates vs Knights...who will win

    In a large scale battle, I bellieve the Knight would have the upper hand. I was pretty suprised that the Apache beat the Gladiators, I think the Apache only has a chance from long range! Here is how I would have liked to seen the match ups so far. Better fights I think! Apache vs Ninja, Viking...
  5. PNWsasquatch

    the end is near for the USA

    YES IT IS!! and only for a little bit extra I can super size that for you!
  6. PNWsasquatch

    the end is near for the USA

    To much hate for Obama......I have to stay away from politics, even on this page because ignorance runs to rampid in this country...I am sorry but how can you not see that Republicans are the problem?! I will have many that argue but I tend to not even give a dicks shake of what they think...
  7. PNWsasquatch

    when to start flushing?

    When you flush what part of the light cycle do you recommend doing it? (Do you flush during the light cycle or during the dark cycle?)
  8. PNWsasquatch

    Is this bad?

    YO, on 5th week flowering and fan leaves changing color. Is that bad? I have some pics! PLEASE let me know if something is wrong I am still a noob at this, soooo any advice/input would be great! One of the pics has a bud in it, but look at the fan leaf behind it...
  9. PNWsasquatch

    Anyone want to point me in the right direction?

    I don't know if you have one around you or if you have a membership to it, but Costco has good deals on big packs of cfl's,just an idea!
  10. PNWsasquatch

    4th week flowering. How much longer do you think I have?

    Week 5 pics...What do ya think? :leaf: KEEP IT GREEN:weed:
  11. PNWsasquatch

    Omaba Lies

    This guy is CRAZY..... I am not even going to waste my time on him....I am shaking my head here....WOW The Right is Wrong!
  12. PNWsasquatch

    The new guy

    Welcome my friend! KEEP IT GREEN!
  13. PNWsasquatch

    Oh Captain my captain! Much respect to you bro! Any advice would be great! Keep it GREEN!

    Oh Captain my captain! Much respect to you bro! Any advice would be great! Keep it GREEN!
  14. PNWsasquatch

    What's your favorite StOneR food?

    Peanut Butter crunch! I have eaten a box at a time...... Marijuana is god's gift to earth!
  15. PNWsasquatch

    Harvest Time?

    Man put me to shame..... Looks great! I am a noob, but still much respect to you! Wish I knew what everyone on here knew, than I wouldnt be on here. Good job bro! Also how much do you think those buds would shrink if u did harvest now? They look to me like they are smokeable but than again I am...
  16. PNWsasquatch

    4th week flowering. How much longer do you think I have?

    another thing! Is there anything anyone can recemmend to hurry up the process? (If it is possible) I can add more CFL's if that helps, but it gets so hot already with a good fan that I am worried about adding more light/heat. ANY help I would be grateful for! Much thanks to MostlyCrazy for...
  17. PNWsasquatch

    Resin. To smoke or not to smoke?

    Don't have anything to smoke but I wanna get high. Now when I don't have anything I take hits off of my resed up (resin in pipe) pipe, and I get high for a little while, now I don't prefer it over the greens. What do you think?
  18. PNWsasquatch

    4th week flowering. How much longer do you think I have?

    Yea I know I need to wait or else it will feel like a failure, but damn is it hard to sit there and watch it grow. You just wanna pick it, but I do want something that is smokeable and good, so I got to give her time.. Do you think I would have been further along now if I hadnt vegged as long?