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  1. P

    where to get seeds nowadays....?

    I just got some White rhino seeds from im so far getting a good out come from them i got my seeds pretty quick once the order was confirmed
  2. P

    (Poll) hydroponics, aeroponics or soil???

    which is a better indoor growth for a fast yield without hurting quality of the bud??
  3. P

    Aeroponics, hydroponics or Soil which is better ???

    Between the three what is a better faster grow indoors, but not hurting quality of the product at the end???
  4. P

    More lights the better right ????

    Im gonna use all HPS and MH lights which are all ballast lights my question is would it benefit to put light under the foliage to help more light get to the lower leaves to max your yeild ????
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    Micro light ballancer?

    if you want it to work in a small room your can cut down the track to your specific length and then put the motor on a plug in dimmer switch to drop the amperage and it will slow down the motor even more so it barely moves then adjust your stops accordingly u can make the light track move 2...
  6. P

    Micro light ballancer?

    actually yes they do its called light rail 3.5 i have one i just picked up it mounts to the ceiling and u put it on a timer the lights are on and you put it on the speed you want and it goes back and forth across the rail mines a 6ft rail and it takes 10-13min to reach each end of the track and...
  7. P

    Medical card ????

    So say your default says you can have 6 mature plants and 12 immature and have 8oz of dried product what happens when you have 6 plants that all are ready to harvest at once and 1 plant holds your 8 oz what do u do to keep it legal and not waste the other bud ready to harvest or can you legally...
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    Collective Donations ????

    Can a legal Medical cannibas card holder legally donate there meds to a co opp. or collective ????
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    Whats a good indoor strain ???

    i wanna find a good indoor strain so i can keep my eyes open for clones at my local clubs or make a suggestion so they can get there hands on it for me
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    Whats a good indoor strain ???

    What is a good potent indoor strain with a high yield ????
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    Clones from Clubs ????

    How much is the going rate for a rooted healty clone from a club in the so cal area???
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    Difference between medical and non-medical weed ????

    you would be surprised alot of stuff on the streets around here is straight dirt weed im serious anyone around here that grows throws it out somewhere else to other citys which is smart so you dont attract attention but know one throughs back if they do its high price for some good kush you will...
  13. P

    More lights the better right ????

    from reading on indoor growing they said most of your yeild is up on top because the bottom dont get enough light so u have to keep them short and stocky so i was looking around on all these web pages and home depot has these 100W Securitey lights in HPS and MH types there $69 and they come...
  14. P

    More lights the better right ????

    OK so i wanna get max yield through out my whole grow. i have two 1000w hps lights but only one will be in the veg room i was thinking about getting a couple T5 lights to lay on there back on the ground to shine light under the foilage and the whole room will be lined with maylar would the...
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    Light Bulb Opinions ????

    I need some suggestions on light bulbs for veg and flower ???? i have a 1000w hps system should i use a certain type what have you guys had good experience with and has anyone used the new color corrective agro-son bulb is it worth the money or should i just get a mh conversion.
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    Clubs ????

    Does anyone know how to find clubs in the southern California area im interested in finding some clones and seeds instead of dealing with this over seas shipping.
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    SuperNova Lights Question???

    i got that from the back of the ballast box itself they seem to be a good quality ballast
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    Difference between medical and non-medical weed ????

    OK i always hear "hey i got medical weed for sale!" like its a sales pitch to get me to buy it is there honestly a difference or is that a legal term for card holds. there getting $40-$45 a gram for that "medical weed" in my town its seeling like crazy and it is hard to get your hands on.
  19. P

    Micro light ballancer?

    i don't know if maybe a small motor light track will work it consistently goes back and forth across the track at different speeds you choose