Search results

  1. M

    next crazy idea. you have stealth hydro. i got remote hydro
  2. M

    cheap co2? paintball gun leak? dry ice melting?

    and thats teh answer i was looking for. thanks,.
  3. M

    next crazy idea. you have stealth hydro. i got remote hydro

    yea, you can call me macgyver
  4. M

    next crazy idea. you have stealth hydro. i got remote hydro

    so yea, you can tell. im working on a system, i was so close to getting a bunch of blue poster board. but im about to go home for the holidays, but dont wanna let ppl know of the plants. i have a usb relay and cam connected to my laptop. i really need 1 more usb relay to control the ligjht...
  5. M

    heres a crazy idea? they like blue light for vegging right, i have blue poster board

    see, thats what i was thinking, im just saying has any one ever tested growing plants with blue walls. or better yet, blue reflective mylar either way, people say the blue spectrum is better for vegging this could only help. -w
  6. M

    heres a crazy idea? they like blue light for vegging right, i have blue poster board

    agree, thanks, i was high when i got the idea.
  7. M

    heres a crazy idea? they like blue light for vegging right, i have blue poster board

    thanks. but yea lets get back to the topic. you see blue, because its reflecting only blue. whati wanna do is get mirrors and that blue painters tape and do strips. i think that would give a ~50% either way helping or hurting,
  8. M

    heres a crazy idea? they like blue light for vegging right, i have blue poster board

    wrong sir, blue board will reflect blue light
  9. M

    heres a crazy idea? they like blue light for vegging right, i have blue poster board

    but thats just teh refelection, i mean right now i have nothing. and can only imigain that a blue reflected specture is awsome.
  10. M

    heres a crazy idea? they like blue light for vegging right, i have blue poster board

    what kingkush. i didn't ask to see your setup.
  11. M

    heres a crazy idea? they like blue light for vegging right, i have blue poster board

    yea so i was thinking about making an led array. but then i read about how plants want all the spectrum even tho they prefer a few close areas. so i was thinking of putting BLUE poster board around my grow box instead of the white or whatever your using, to reflect a more blue light. would you...
  12. M

    So, wheres the ril staff. can some one make sure they read this

    ummm. ANC. who the fuck are you to tell me to learn manners. i mean you have a cat on your fucking head. and yes the google search works, but still
  13. M

    So, wheres the ril staff. can some one make sure they read this

    i did. no response. i know how to fix this.
  14. M

    So, wheres the ril staff. can some one make sure they read this

    I know im new here, but im probably gonna piss some people off with this. where the fuck is the moderators and why is the forum search down. that is the most import resource of a forum. On the forums I've run in the past people would go crazy when our search was down, and people would get...
  15. M

    STAFF: Please fix the search. WTF its like the most important feature

    I know how diffucult it can be to run a forum of this size, but its a must to have the forum search working. IMHO. please take a look into this, if you need a VB hacker to get it working send me a pm. thanks -0
  16. M

    Any stoner Day Traders out there?

    how do you get into day trading. ienjoi playing virtual stock sims if thats what you mean, but IRL
  17. M

    i just realized i have the same facial hair as Che Guevara

    this is the first time ive ever not shaved for like a few months. resulting in a kick ass beard and stash. but i got some funky lines that are hard to explain, and i just saw a side shot of Che Guevara and was like damm. im related. heres he...
  18. M

    cheap co2? paintball gun leak? dry ice melting?

    Like most im keeping my babies in my closet. not wanting to buy a co2 meter, i can only imagine that my closet is comparable to the dead sea for plants. (next to my hydro paradise), i dont want to deprive my plants of anything and this means more co2. right now i have my paintball gun cord...
  19. M

    cfl vs fluorescent tubes

    as a physics student, its the design on the cfl that i dont like. i look at the tubes and can only think that it would be better to sheed light on a 2 foot area evenly. then radialy with a bunch of energy getting trapped in the middle. the on cfls i do like are high up that are just 1 bend...
  20. M

    Just finished homebrew hydro. what nutrients do you prefer

    im just started grow, and plan on getting some clones from a a friend. i have build a hydro system that resembles many of the homebrew setups, kinda like SH. This being my first time growing with hydroponics, whats a good order of nutes. what do you perfer, and more importnly where can i get...