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  1. jessiekay77

    Do blondes really have more fun?

    sorry i haven't been around, i went through this stupid period of not smoking.. but yes i am blonde now :D
  2. jessiekay77

    Do blondes really have more fun?

    I guess we'll find out :) I'm in the process of bleaching my hair totally blonde.. New life, new goals.. New hair? :) Pictures soon.
  3. jessiekay77

    So, I went to court today..

    hahaha actually, 25 over. im surprised they let me take traffic school. gotta love lady judges.
  4. jessiekay77

    So, I went to court today..

    Had to pay my mother the 60 bucks in administrative fees. But otherwise, I got out pretty good. -traffic school (took 180 dollars off my ticket) -additional traffic school by the CHP (108 dollars off) -essay about the traffic school.. -essay about dangers of speeding.. oh, and my lisense is...
  5. jessiekay77

    You know you're a pothead when:

    ...when you operate better stoned :) (it makes me creative :])
  6. jessiekay77

    You know you're a pothead when:

    I agree with this one...
  7. jessiekay77

    You know you're a pothead when:

    ....when you get your best ideas stoned. -"when i die, i want to be a pot tree!"
  8. jessiekay77

    You know you're a pothead when:

    i've done both of these. you know you're a pothead when.. -you lay down and youre convinced you are actually standing -you meet a very big dog that youve never seen and just start petting it and name it doobie -your mom points out that you havent eaten a thing and you just keep talking! -when...
  9. jessiekay77

    quitting cancer sticks for our new yrs resolution

    i think i'm gonna quit. mostly because taxes are going up on them. its so expensive to get cancer these days. and really, im more of a social smoker.. smoke when im driving, smoke when i drink or blaze.. or stressed.. but thats pretty much it. but one every now and then is all i need..
  10. jessiekay77

    New Years Eve with RIU thread

    welll i am stuck here tonight, my mom thinks my older sister is a bad influence on me.. but i still have.. 6 hrs. and i want to smoke sooo badly. maybe i'll smoke a bowl now, and in two hrs..and then in two hrs.. and then two for the new year :D i dunno. i just want to bring in the new year...
  11. jessiekay77

    weird smoking habits/routines?

    playing cards high is FUN! but i've been playing cards since i could reach the table. good luck with the car :D my best friends has been having electrical problems.. i keep telling it i love it but it still wont run :(
  12. jessiekay77

    weird smoking habits/routines?

    we play dealer's choice. i personally like no peeky. for some reason or another. i dont know, its been a long time since i've experienced it. hahahahahaha i think my mom just as good as called me a dyke.. wonderful.
  13. jessiekay77

    weird smoking habits/routines?

    i love high sex :D and poker. oh and definitely 360 :D
  14. jessiekay77

    weird smoking habits/routines?

    hahahahaha i dont know. i love your signature :D i personally love smoking in nature :D
  15. jessiekay77

    random and stoned equals..

    i love it :D yes i am from cali, but nowhere near san fransisco. in the middle of nowhere haha i should get plans for new years. or just sit here and smoke a bowl by myself haha
  16. jessiekay77

    random and stoned equals..

    i love my new pipe. it's so pretty and what-not :D this bowl is to all of you here at RIU i love you guys i'm bored and so you should talk to me. any plans for new years?
  17. jessiekay77

    weird smoking habits/routines?

    that scares me too! 40 mph feels like 60 :(
  18. jessiekay77

    weird smoking habits/routines?

    i think i am like that too. except since i've been a pothead my confidence at all times is higher :D probably because no matter what fucks up in my life, i can always go home and smoke. ..knock on wood.
  19. jessiekay77

    weird smoking habits/routines?

    lol you know what i hear that shit all the time! :P i have also noticed that i get really good at poker when i'm stoned.. or maybe i just think i am?
  20. jessiekay77

    what r u listening to right now

    mistress- disturbed :D <33