I have about 4-4 1/2 gallons of soil so that would be worth it but I doubt I will get close to that seeing the conditions I'm growing under but oh well just learning. We all start somewhere, even a joint to say I grew is worth it to me. Thanks for the advice and feedback
I've looked and looked and don't see any signs of sex yet. That's why I haven't went all out and got expensive nutes and all the extra cuz it's just for me to learn slowly by slowly. Didn't wanna do all that then it be a male and waste time and money ya know
Honestly I'm not looking for a huge yield tho itd be nice. This plant is a bag seed that was found and planted for learning purposes mainly. My grow space is pretty limited as of right now so i went ahead and switched at 1 foot tall to hopefully finish at 3-4 feet tall. Gathering information...
Also to answer the question. Is the bottom leafs that you see there yellowing and dying, are they supposed to do that? Everything seems fine to me just want to be sure
I only water once a week if the soil looks to be getting dry around the plant itself so getting it too wet isn't a concern. Its dead now but I see where others grew and died now that I look. Scared the sh*t out of me tho lol
I was looking at this picture at work and seen something odd so I came home to check on it and there's two little mushrooms growing out of my soil? Is this good bad beneficial at all. I've read alot about growing but I've never seen anything that says anything about mushrooms appearing????
Okay it's been exactly one week since I topped this girl. This is my first grow so it was scary I thought I was gonna harm her but she's shooting up nicely, still not 100% sure that the seed leafs (leafs that come out with cotyledons) are supposed to do this but they are the only ones that have...
So I decided to top her today, just want to make sure I did it right and how long till she's completely rocovered? Also what benefits should I start seeing right now? Thanks
Do I HAVE to have nutes during flowering. I'm trying steer clear from alot of nutrients (I like all natural everything) if possible. But I've been reading about dyna grow and it doesn't seem too bad
Thanks for the replies, it made me a little nervous I just noticed the same leaf on the other side is starting to do this. Also she's about a foot tall and getting nodes coming in that have 9 fingers on them. At what age should I start 12/12 I don't want a huge plant right now due to space...
So my girl is a month old looking pretty. However the first set of true leaves are turning yellow. She's just under 1 standard home cfl bulb and eating Alaska fish fertilizer (hardly any mixed in) so it can't be nute burns. Or light burn any other suggestions