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  1. Erwin

    Something eating my plants + discoloration

    Im not using any ferts at all, just whats in the soil. The neem oil seems to be working well. No new damage
  2. Erwin

    Something eating my plants + discoloration

    Thanks you guys. Whats best for Mg deficiency? Ive heard cal-mag before
  3. Erwin

    Something eating my plants + discoloration

    Alright, so i checked the ph, it's right at 7. Within the normal range, correct? If not, can i correct the soil ph by using hydroponic ph up/down? So the condition on my leaves seems to be getting progressively worse. One other heribei also shows signs. Both that have the discoloration are...
  4. Erwin

    Something eating my plants + discoloration

    So i've got 5 Heribei and 2 Mad Shacks, both from Sannies seeds. I germed em about two months ago, would have liked to have em in the ground by now, but funds are pretty low. Anyway, I started indoors and moved outdoors about two weeks ago. As far as nutrients go, none thus far. I have em in...
  5. Erwin

    First (late) grow - bagseed

    I did say that I had planned on putting them out next friday and everything, but from right now, when's the best time to put them out?
  6. Erwin

    First (late) grow - bagseed

    I'm under the thought process that starting late is better than never starting, so that's why I decided to put the little roots into cups and under 24 hour floro light this Monday. I plan on moving these outdoors probably next friday (have a great spot, so i figure i gotta). As far as the soil...
  7. Erwin

    Shit, I messed up

    Here I am! The most commonly recommended was lettuce so I tried that and it worked out rather well, smokes almost identical to the shit that I didn't fuck up on and no complaints from anyone yet. So, thanks everyone for the advice.
  8. Erwin

    Shit, I messed up

    So I really fucked up, left the lid open on one of my jars while i was gone (about 6 days) and now what was going to be about 3 oz of product is brittle has very little bag appeal. The good thing is, the weed still works, it's not quite as good as it was before i fucked it up, but definitely...
  9. Erwin

    growing out door questions?????

    Since this thread is up, and I had a few questions I figure I'll just ask them in here. I live in the Midwest and am in the stages of thinking about a summer grow. I figure I could achieve this with the great soil and the steady precipitation that we get up here. However, I am a little iffy on...