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  1. Ray Kudronic

    ShLUbY's Garden

    Unfortunately Dr. Ingham was not able to make it there in person due to family reasons. Which was the biggest let down of the weekend for me. She video chatted in and was available all weekend if you had any questions though. I was really stoked to meet her in person, but there is always next time!
  2. Ray Kudronic

    ShLUbY's Garden

    Exactly man. Building healthy soils is what this should all be about. I know you would have really enjoyed it, like you said the energy there was amazing. Everyone was so generous with their knowledge and products of their labors haha I’ve annoyed eveyone I know talking about that weekend
  3. Ray Kudronic

    ShLUbY's Garden

    Haha very tough to share all significant findings because there was so much for growers of all skill level. But I think it is important to point out how the speakers didn’t all agree on everything. They showed that there are a multitude of ways to grow cannabis and get amazing results. No one...
  4. Ray Kudronic

    ShLUbY's Garden

    Much respect for you and your forum
  5. Ray Kudronic

    ShLUbY's Garden

    I was fortunate enough to make it to the conference for the whole weekend. So much amazing knowledge was shared. Small farmers need to stick together!
  6. Ray Kudronic

    The Dons' Organic Garden

    Nothing too special. OGKB is the cultivar in the pictures, 2 phenos I haven’t been able to get rid of since I popped the pack of seeds A little while back . First picture is day 60 the second is from like day 50ish. Grown in a 4x4 tent with a fluence Spyderx plus as the light source. 8 plants...
  7. Ray Kudronic

    The Dons' Organic Garden

    Out of respect for this page @DonPetro
  8. Ray Kudronic

    Nutrient Problem 6000w Organic Grow

    If the RH for the first 4 weeks of flowering was 40% while at around 80F, I would say this is your issue. The humidity is a little low. I have had this same problem before, and have found keeping the RH as close to the 50-60% range for the first few weeks of flowering, this issue does not occur...
  9. Ray Kudronic

    600 HPS,1000 HPS or 315 CMH for a 4x4?

    Since you are only cooling with an exhaust fan, a 1000w light will be putting out way too much heat if you plan on closing your tent, giving you a lower quality final product and probably sacrificing your yield as well. A 600w light might still run a little hot in a zipped up tent but it should...
  10. Ray Kudronic

    Pictures of ready to harvest buds please?

    Patience is key. Once you think they are ready, wait a week. Most hairs should have turned amber, i'd say 90 % plus and 50 % trichomes turned a milky color. But that's just a personal opinion.
  11. Ray Kudronic

    Stephen Hawking says mankind has 100 years left on Earth. Thanks, Steve.

    I have a very deterministic view on this world and the current path technology is taking us. That being said I think the real end goal, once all is said and done is to leave this planet and expand through out the universe. That is if we are abel to survive long enough and hopefully we make it in...
  12. Ray Kudronic

    Stephen Hawking says mankind has 100 years left on Earth. Thanks, Steve.

    Just looking at statistics for cataclysmic events over the span of the Earth's life you can tell we are overdue. Not his original idea by any means either, look up Ray Kurzweil: the singularity is near if you have any more interest.
  13. Ray Kudronic

    Reserva privada skywalker og kush

    One of my favorite's, I'll be keeping the skywalker around for a long time.
  14. Ray Kudronic

    Reserva privada skywalker og kush

    Wish I had a better shot, but her she is in week 7 flower, with some nice 3-fingered leaves.
  15. Ray Kudronic

    Final Days organic grow

    Here is a couple more, with a shot of the final product!:joint:
  16. Ray Kudronic

    Final Days organic grow

    Hope everyone enjoys these!
  17. Ray Kudronic

    3LB/light with big mike

    Thinking now maybe I'll do a side by side between Advanced and organic for those who are interested. I'll have a journal up hopefully in less then a week.
  18. Ray Kudronic

    Strange flowering Clone just doesn't know what to do

    I have a similar problem going on with some pineapple express, except I took my clones in from a vegging plant (14/10 it was dropping 2 hours of light off weekly going into flower though). For reasons I can only speculate on, the clones I took started to make tiny little buds once they gained a...
  19. Ray Kudronic

    Leds with supplemental hps drop light

    If you already have 4 phytomax's 800's I would stick with those for a while considering how much they probably costed you. Maybe you loose some efficiency to COB's but you'll be able to grow just as high quality and quantity of product, and isn't that really the whole point anyways?
  20. Ray Kudronic

    Leds with supplemental hps drop light

    @CobKits In that link you posted, I am curious as to why they used the old model for the test? It says that the test was issued around march 2017, the phytomax 2 was definitely out by then. Which they claim is more efficient.