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  1. me77

    Is this normal?

    yes i live deep down south....and now im just hoping there gona make it through this shity cold front coming in : /
  2. me77

    MG houseplant food...worth a shit or no?

    MG houseplant it wortha shit or not?
  3. me77

    Is this normal?

    I have 2 plants outside that are a month an 8 days old and still havent shown this normal? and one smells like weed and is a lil smaller and a lil more bushy than the other one and the other one has no smell at it possible to tell sex by smell before you can physically tell?
  4. me77

    growing out side?

    if temps get in the low 30s It can kill em.....what part of the US are you in?
  5. me77


    I hear putting rocks on the bottom of your pot is good.....why is this?...and which kindn of rock is best to use?
  6. me77


    I see this on fertilizers " - - - " with different numbers....what are these numbers representing and whats the importance of them?
  7. me77

    A WEEK OF THIS!!! Southern USA

    oh tru that.....and nope I got me a great spot: )
  8. me77

    A WEEK OF THIS!!! Southern USA

    what do you mean by that much air circulation?? you mean it wont be a god idea to have them in the tent with me?
  9. me77

    A WEEK OF THIS!!! Southern USA

    its forecasted to be in the lower 30s 1 or 2 nights and the other night are in the low 40s....they arnt near my house so I wont be able to bring them in...Im afrad to cover them because they are still farley small.....most of them are in trees and I have my 3 best ones in 5 gallon half...
  10. me77

    A WEEK OF THIS!!! Southern USA

    New grower here...I live in southern USA..I started some a lil over a month ago and the weathers been in the 70's so far...its been great for this time of year...the thing is for the next 7 or 8 days the highs are forecasted to never get into the 70's and lows get down to 34..also its supposed...
  11. me77

    SW FL outdoors

    looks like were in for a cold week : (