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  1. RoryO

    Power outage during flowering!

    thank you so much, you guys definitely prevented a panic attack lol
  2. RoryO

    Power outage during flowering!

    AWESOME!! thank you so much, everyone :)
  3. RoryO

    Power outage during flowering!

    My power went out during flowering and messed up my lights' timer. I've got it all straightened out now, but could just one effed up light cycle make my plant a hermie? That's what I was told, and i'm really hoping that isnt the case :(
  4. RoryO

    Triplets!!! Is this a mutation?

    Thank you so much! this is my first try, so I'm really excited!
  5. RoryO

    Triplets!!! Is this a mutation?

    i wish i knew what strain she was. she has almost no oder unless you handle her buds, i've seen pics of "northern lights" that look a bit like her, and i know that is a low odor strain. what do you think? here's a couple pics of other areas, besides the triplets
  6. RoryO

    Triplets!!! Is this a mutation?

    thank you! i had to look up "apical dominance," but her seed came from a self proclaimed "mad breeder" lol, so that makes perfect sense!
  7. RoryO

    Triplets!!! Is this a mutation?

    These are my triplets. They started off as a normal top, and then rather quickly, split in to three! Has anyone ever seen anything like this? Is it a mutation? I assumed it was because this plant has had a TON of leaf mutations. I've had a bunch of fan leaves with 7 or 9 leaves and then...
  8. RoryO

    Plants turning yellow

    HI, this is my first plant ever, and i thought i might tag on the end of this post instead of starting a whole new thread. My plant (in week 6 of flower) is doing the same thing as the original poster's, and has been since week 4. i gave her higher doses of nutes during her first two weeks to...