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  1. N

    Why are these outdoor plants flowering at solstice for god's sake?!?!

    I think I know where you’re going with this. They started indoors, transitioned to a greenhouse for a few weeks where they were provided with supplemental light to keep them in Veg. Then they were planted in the 200’s outside 5 weeks ago. Their “daytime” wasn’t throttled down dramatically...
  2. N

    Why are these outdoor plants flowering at solstice for god's sake?!?!

    I have a bunch of Venom OG's outdoors in 200gal pots. They get plenty of sunlight, well over 12 hours. Yet, the started spitting out hairs about one week ago and I can't figure out why. It's the only strain doing it and prior to flowering they were showing deformed newer growth... then the...
  3. N

    What's up with these droopy plants?!?!

    Quantum Kush Fox Farms Ocean Forest 1000w MH Water every 3 days at 6.5 or so 3 gallon smart pot Twice I gave them a little organic fert top dress (4-2-3)
  4. N

    Anyone use high noon organic soil?

    Did you use them? I'm curious.
  5. N

    New Growth is twisted and mangled...?!?

    Thanks! Super helpful!!
  6. N

    New Growth is twisted and mangled...?!?

    any thoughts? The new growth started to appear twisted and mangled. Additionally, it stopped growing entirely. What you see in the photo has remained that way for 3 or 4 days. -FF Ocean Forest -900w LED -Pure Blend Pro -6 week old Guerilla Cookies -Watering every 3-4 days with 6.0 R/O water
  7. N

    What's wrong with my plants?

    Outdoor guy here. Trying to do some indoors. Leaves are suuuper droopy, leaves turning brown/yellow. I may have given them some water PH'd at 8.0 about 5-6 days ago. What can I do? 900w LED 28in away from canapy BioBizz Nutes Light Warrior Dirt