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  1. Homegrownfor2

    DWC one Plant is seriously out growing the other

    250w hps 10gal rez General hydroponics trio nutes 2x4x5 tent Temp normal ph normal humidity normal Both plant got pretty bad nutes burn at one point and I think it stunted the smaller plant. How can I get the small one to catch up or is it a lost cause at this point. Plant just started 3...
  2. Homegrownfor2

    DWC plant starting to claw.... help me

    I keep it 9in from the top of the plant
  3. Homegrownfor2

    DWC plant starting to claw.... help me

    Check out my last post
  4. Homegrownfor2

    DWC plant starting to claw.... help me

    Rudi I have a question about the seaweed. If I use that should I continue using the flora series as well. I picked up a tds meter and a ph meter. What should the tds be? Plants are doing ok but one is clearly darker than the other. New growth is showing a bit of curl now as well. 79°F and 40%...
  5. Homegrownfor2

    DWC plant starting to claw.... help me

    The girls are looking much better today. I'm assuming the claws don't straighten up once they curl up. The color seems to be lighter as well and less glossy. Ppm meter will be here tmr then I can really see what my tap water is like.
  6. Homegrownfor2

    DWC plant starting to claw.... help me

    Ok I'll try that. I'll have to see if I can track down some ro water
  7. Homegrownfor2

    DWC plant starting to claw.... help me

    I'm using tap water at the moment
  8. Homegrownfor2

    DWC plant starting to claw.... help me

    I think I will grab some ro water and give that a try. I just ordered a ppm and ph meter so 2 days til that gets here. We will see how it goes I'll update when I get the ppm meter and such. Thanks alot
  9. Homegrownfor2

    DWC plant starting to claw.... help me

    Ph is good around 5.5 to 6.0. I'm buying a digital ph and ppm meter today. I am brand new to this so I'm learning as I go. The step by step I followed for my setup skipped alot of detail I'm learning the hard way.
  10. Homegrownfor2

    DWC plant starting to claw.... help me

    Let me be more specific 50% of what the suggested amount for a seedling is. So 1/8 tsp per gal vs 1/4 tsp per gal. I don't have a ppm meter so I'll have to tell you after I pick one up
  11. Homegrownfor2

    DWC plant starting to claw.... help me

    Thanks rudi i checked this morning and the newer growth doesn't seem to be clawing. Its in 50% strength nutes right now im going to wait another day and see what happens. Do the leaves that have already clawed go back or do they stay that way?
  12. Homegrownfor2

    DWC plant starting to claw.... help me

    Thanks and yes I am using tap water. I'll have too look in to dechlorination more I didn't think it would be a problem.
  13. Homegrownfor2

    DWC plant starting to claw.... help me

    Hi this is my first grow and things were going well until two days ago. After the first week I decided to do a water change. After the change in noticed that two of my plant seemed to be starting to claw and the other started to turn yellow. Due to that I came to the conclusion that I screwed up...