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  1. Y

    Plz Help Me With This Question

    so even if i get more lights now an start turning off the lights for 6 hours daily will the plant still bud an create smokable weeD?
  2. Y

    Plz Help Me With This Question

    an also why does my plant only have 3 leafs insted of the regular 5
  3. Y

    Plz Help Me With This Question

    i didnt even kno the lights were supposta be that close lolll. shows how much i know. oh well w.e at least ill know that for the next grow dosnt anyone know when budding may start an how i can maby speed it up?
  4. Y

    Plz Help Me With This Question

    yeah im pretty sure how close shud i put the light. an is there anything i can do to help my plant. cuz i dont know that much about growing i just love smoking weed an figured it was a good way to get free bud lol if theres suggestions from anyone feel free to tell me things to do to. i want...
  5. Y

    My Babies

    yours look kind aliek mine but shorter. why does some plants have 3 leafs?
  6. Y

    Plz Help Me With This Question

    :leaf: im a new grower an i just planted this one plant an another little one a few months ago. is my plant growing properly? when will it start budding? any information what so ever would be helpful .