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  1. C

    Awesome Seed Bank!

    Hi guys, Just wanted to post about a seed bank if anyone is looking for any. I got from (and live in us) and worked with John and it was a great experience! John helped me through the whole process and seeds arrive in 14 days with no problem. I did choose the stealth delivery as well...
  2. C

    PLEASE HELP!!! Which LED should i get?

    They are 28 days old and have been under the 450w Viparspectra. The right smaller one is Transiberian Auto and the left one if Auto Seeds Ultra Lemon Haze. I thought the lemon haze was an auto but I found a couple days ago it technically should go onto a 12/12 cycle. So not really sure what to...
  3. C

    PLEASE HELP!!! Which LED should i get?

    No light comes in when the lights are off though. I shut the closet door and my room is pitch black anyways when they sleep.
  4. C

    PLEASE HELP!!! Which LED should i get?

    I only have the bottom left one screen open. So yeah some light come out from the bottom left of the tent. Maybe since they're about to flower Ill change that up and close it open up the top air port instead?
  5. C

    PLEASE HELP!!! Which LED should i get?

    Wait what do you mean?? Open up the top air port on the other side and do what to it? I thought I should keep all those ports closed besides the bottom screens and the duct for the carbon filter. no?
  6. C

    PLEASE HELP!!! Which LED should i get?

    Here are the pictures as promised....see previous comment for details.
  7. C

    PLEASE HELP!!! Which LED should i get?

    I have the Ona gel in my closet outside of my you think that I need to take it out of my closet completely?
  8. C

    PLEASE HELP!!! Which LED should i get?

    I appreciate all the feedback on the thread from the people who actually wanted to help, not for those of you who just bashed. I posted in the newbie section because I am a newbie. First time grow. You read so much mixed reviews on things that I wanted some feedback on here. I did not want to...
  9. C

    PLEASE HELP!!! Which LED should i get?

    Nice pics! Ill update with some of my pics in a couple hours once I wake them up. I went with auto flowers, as well, and I'm about the same length into it as you (planted seed 27 days ago). I think they look nice, not as filled in as yours yet though, but I see they just started shooting up so...
  10. C

    PLEASE HELP!!! Which LED should i get?

    For anyone who has been wanting an update...the Viparspectra 450W has been doing awesome for me.
  11. C

    Please help

    Awesome! Thanks for the reply. And thanks for the advice too. Merry Christmas!
  12. C

    Please help

    Sorry pictures are below...forgot to attach.
  13. C

    Please help

    Hi guys, This is my first time grow. I attached picture below of the autoflower grow, and the plant grew in sideways and then looks to be growing straight up. I attached pictures below....any thoughts on what I should do? just let it grow? Or try to straighten out? Thank you.
  14. C

    What size grow tent for 6 plants?

    I can fit (2) 3-gallon pots in my 36" x 20" perfect with pretty much no room to spare. Hopefully that may give you an idea of sizing...I am not good at math, hopefully you are thought :-)
  15. C

    Is this bad?

    Here is an update of what they look like now. I think they look like they are doing ok...what about you?
  16. C

    Is this bad?

    Thanks Nirod! Yes, and I know everyone is going to yell at me that I am stupid but it is Miracle Grow is all they sold around me (I guess maybe because its winter here and out of season) but I couldn't find any other brand but it. They are on day 14 now and they are looking pretty...
  17. C

    Is this bad?

    Hi guys, First time grow here, and am wondering if this is bad...please see pictures below. These picture on taken on Day 9. Ultra Lemon Haze Auto is on the left. This one seems to be doing well. However, the Trans Siberian Auto on the right was planted at the same time but is MUCH smaller...
  18. C

    PLEASE HELP!!! Which LED should i get?

    How many weeks are those at? Are those Autoflowers?
  19. C

    PLEASE HELP!!! Which LED should i get?

    Thanks guys for all the input. I ended going with the Vipar 450w...I just really wanted those veg and bloom switch lol. Ill let you guys know how it works!
  20. C

    PLEASE HELP!!! Which LED should i get?

    Hi Guys, Please help me decide. First time grower here... I have an Apollo grow tent 36" x 20" x 62" Going to grow 2 autos in 3 gal pots inside. Debating between: -Galaxy Hydro 600w LED Full Spectrum OR -Viparspectra 450W LED Full Spectrum (this one has Veg and Bloom switch options) What...