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  1. Laceymattox1995

    Is it useless or not?

    Umm, no. They didn't produce bud because they didn't have heat on them. But thanks for the clap of appreciation :) :spew:
  2. Laceymattox1995

    Is it useless or not?

    I'm not sure, my dad got them from where he works, they are no longer selling the strain we have so he got to have them. But they have had no heat so they didn't produce bud. They are ready to be harvested they just have leaf and no bud, they have the little brown starts that were suppose to...
  3. Laceymattox1995

    Is it useless or not?

    I want to know if there is anything I can use the plant for since it didn't produce bud, or is it competly useless? It looks like this, still looks ju like it would when its done, but it just doesn't have bud
  4. Laceymattox1995

    Is it useless or not?

    I'm talking about the plant not producing bud
  5. Laceymattox1995

    Is it useless or not?

    I have 9 female plants that didn't flower cause not enough heat, are they completely useless or can I use them for something? Like make massage butters, butter for eating, joint, etc.. Let me know, thanks